Record: 8-9 Conference: Wisconsin Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 294 SOS: 341
Division III - Oshkosh, WI
Homecourt: D
Home: 7-3 Away: 1-6
AVG 512
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Tony Haley SF Wisconsin, Oshkosh 46-49 112 3094 1818 402 154 32 115 1272 601 47.2 556 216 38.8 78.3
2. John Goldberg SG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 129-132 113 2614 1568 346 180 2 128 1087 519 47.7 677 288 42.5 71.6
3. Robert Smith PF Wisconsin, Oshkosh 2-5 120 3641 1522 1104 148 142 136 1205 575 47.7 54 8 14.8 62.7
4. Edward Mulkey C Wisconsin, Oshkosh 6-9 111 3334 1512 1165 64 107 120 1293 574 44.4 20 4 20.0 66.1
5. Raymond Byrnes SF Wisconsin, Oshkosh 115-118 111 2767 1487 487 100 34 98 1100 547 49.7 162 34 21.0 64.3
6. Paul Williams PF Wisconsin, Oshkosh 2-5 120 3120 1479 804 130 78 99 1122 557 49.6 115 19 16.5 62.6
7. Thomas Jones PF Wisconsin, Oshkosh 2-5 113 3318 1478 1071 164 110 100 1118 564 50.4 77 16 20.8 61.1
8. Wayne Pleasant PG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 98-101 111 2772 1475 366 487 0 181 999 469 46.9 480 191 39.8 78.3
9. Daniel Brown PG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 145-148 112 2745 1420 149 503 2 155 1019 452 44.4 474 171 36.1 73.1
10. Gregory Davis SG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 122-125 109 2631 1371 202 230 4 102 1007 465 46.2 533 214 40.2 68.0
11. Kevin Haggberg SG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 90-93 110 2934 1349 169 325 2 93 993 454 45.7 740 324 43.8 65.7
12. David Renfro C Wisconsin, Oshkosh 21-24 124 2729 1344 793 61 139 72 927 460 49.6 2 0 0.0 79.7
13. Arthur Miller C Wisconsin, Oshkosh 20-23 122 2938 1334 885 96 121 77 908 435 47.9 1 1 100.0 74.6
14. Samuel Robinson C Wisconsin, Oshkosh 24-27 119 3032 1321 898 77 180 58 904 426 47.1 27 7 25.9 84.5
15. Michael Pierson SG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 61-64 108 2833 1320 218 177 3 85 1033 449 43.5 622 254 40.8 69.4
16. Larry Morin SF Wisconsin, Oshkosh 75-78 108 2883 1295 352 184 38 78 1052 459 43.6 546 200 36.6 72.2
17. Donald Patton SF Wisconsin, Oshkosh 30-33 109 3083 1270 295 102 34 86 1095 449 41.0 574 204 35.5 77.8
18. Travis Weller PG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 72-75 109 2673 1255 90 405 1 90 909 426 46.9 483 200 41.4 76.3
19. Terrence Mathias PG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 5-8 112 3056 1254 206 293 1 77 980 441 45.0 601 286 47.6 40.6
20. Manuel Lynch SF Wisconsin, Oshkosh 102-105 114 2651 1251 462 224 33 109 922 446 48.4 350 129 36.9 67.6
21. Bernard Powell SG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 1-4 117 3456 1250 669 338 51 91 1020 426 41.8 315 148 47.0 63.6
22. Ronald Pierce PG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 135-138 82 2193 1240 118 451 3 102 805 410 50.9 312 137 43.9 76.9
23. David Perkins SG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 93-96 109 2279 1237 207 150 1 97 927 419 45.2 487 199 40.9 75.8
24. Milton Shuck C Wisconsin, Oshkosh 41-44 109 3175 1235 784 136 174 63 1006 462 45.9 3 1 33.3 78.5
25. Brian Scull PG Wisconsin, Oshkosh 102-105 114 2382 1235 144 335 3 133 809 391 48.3 485 219 45.2 71.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%