Record: 11-5 Conference: NESCAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 70 SOS: 71
Division III - Lewiston, ME
Homecourt: D+
Home: 6-3 Away: 5-2
AVG 532
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Jean Fink PF Bates 11-14 115 3591 2016 1076 166 78 147 1596 751 47.1 63 9 14.3 69.5
2. Leo Martin PF Bates 2-5 115 3566 1561 1057 89 98 139 1133 553 48.8 103 23 22.3 77.8
3. Tyler Scanlon PG Bates 27-30 108 2792 1484 111 275 1 50 1203 460 38.2 826 293 35.5 76.1
4. Florencio Collins C Bates 12-15 101 2637 1448 753 59 99 63 1091 514 47.1 19 2 10.5 70.8
5. Ralph Arnold SG Bates 73-76 111 2772 1399 253 236 2 130 993 447 45.0 752 330 43.9 71.4
6. Thomas Lieber SF Bates 68-71 111 2751 1358 431 99 37 88 1006 514 51.1 186 55 29.6 67.1
7. Robert Smith SG Bates 56-59 113 2700 1342 138 230 6 93 961 444 46.2 597 260 43.6 68.3
8. Robert Laverty PG Bates 137-140 109 2796 1333 256 346 1 103 875 420 48.0 455 204 44.8 83.8
9. Jerry Smith PG Bates 50-53 120 3439 1325 291 500 3 181 990 418 42.2 479 162 33.8 76.4
10. Jamey Meador SF Bates 35-38 111 2958 1313 247 99 81 90 1012 443 43.8 673 270 40.1 76.2
11. Travis McSwiggan PG Bates 60-63 111 2937 1313 140 359 5 145 893 409 45.8 484 192 39.7 81.2
12. Johnnie McCoo C Bates 22-25 111 3231 1307 877 98 189 74 1206 474 39.3 160 20 12.5 72.0
13. Henry Toomey PG Bates 54-57 112 2654 1306 188 369 1 102 930 416 44.7 626 268 42.8 76.6
14. Edmond Patrick SF Bates 88-91 111 2575 1292 402 109 26 109 911 435 47.7 248 72 29.0 72.6
15. Willie Simas SF Bates 84-87 112 2698 1281 296 214 11 104 957 448 46.8 422 176 41.7 70.8
16. Anthony Moore SG Bates 117-120 110 2813 1262 160 289 0 95 959 427 44.5 606 238 39.3 71.7
17. Armando Dreher C Bates 3-6 112 3304 1256 1066 73 155 102 1050 500 47.6 33 5 15.2 55.4
18. Mark Griffith PF Bates 45-48 111 3094 1254 882 60 196 65 952 468 49.2 234 83 35.5 66.8
19. Michael Bridgeforth SG Bates 21-24 109 3066 1249 188 217 6 43 1051 421 40.1 649 254 39.1 67.1
20. Zachary Harrington C Bates 27-30 108 2837 1240 518 57 93 68 1229 422 34.3 422 71 16.8 61.7
21. Brice Cannon SG Bates 2-5 111 3013 1233 421 240 17 89 888 424 47.7 317 148 46.7 68.9
22. Roger Islas PG Bates 108-111 110 2748 1225 174 326 5 108 909 395 43.5 500 195 39.0 73.8
23. Charlie Knight PG Bates 80-83 111 2621 1206 46 381 1 113 834 387 46.4 506 228 45.1 74.5
24. John Wilbanks SG Bates 16-19 109 2624 1203 223 293 5 79 812 360 44.3 656 280 42.7 79.0
25. Shawn Thomas C Bates 9-12 114 2979 1198 866 7 115 77 852 453 53.2 17 2 11.8 63.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%