Record: 15-2 Conference: Minn. IAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C+ RPI: 94 SOS: 362
Division III - Northfield, MN
Homecourt: D+
Home: 8-1 Away: 7-1
AVG 535
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Benjamin McArtor SF Carleton 129-133 122 2679 1617 501 115 92 104 1165 613 52.6 94 29 30.9 67.3
2. Jose Amaral C Carleton 10-13 118 3377 1573 904 32 90 92 1248 563 45.1 18 6 33.3 83.8
3. Paul Keefer PF Carleton 65-68 104 2688 1549 623 24 81 68 1219 587 48.2 6 2 33.3 66.5
4. Robert Brown PG Carleton 128-132 121 2748 1512 313 282 11 139 1062 504 47.5 651 269 41.3 67.1
5. Robert Hilliard C Carleton 6-9 108 3098 1480 827 30 39 66 1317 540 41.0 253 69 27.3 67.4
6. Fred Williams PG Carleton 53-56 110 2812 1425 178 450 3 104 1058 486 45.9 652 276 42.3 69.7
7. Brian Gates SF Carleton 2-5 111 3467 1419 640 117 25 140 1184 482 40.7 515 174 33.8 68.2
8. Joseph Davis SG Carleton 124-128 121 2713 1399 391 231 10 103 1085 487 44.9 288 89 30.9 68.6
9. James Harper SF Carleton 121-124 110 2360 1396 268 125 11 83 1047 483 46.1 654 284 43.4 77.2
10. Michael Burke PF Carleton 57-60 108 2247 1382 465 31 61 56 1063 519 48.8 1 0 0.0 77.1
11. James Carlson SF Carleton 21-24 111 3088 1365 389 157 24 126 1072 469 43.8 409 165 40.3 63.6
12. Robert Batchelder PG Carleton 135-138 127 3080 1351 176 452 3 137 926 442 47.7 471 203 43.1 68.9
13. Brian Engelmann SG Carleton 123-126 118 2603 1332 422 147 34 79 1070 491 45.9 97 20 20.6 65.2
14. Charles Wilson PF Carleton 9-12 117 3216 1303 974 88 98 81 925 472 51.0 20 3 15.0 71.5
15. Clint Campion SG Carleton 51-54 109 2680 1278 247 153 0 107 1035 416 40.2 757 286 37.8 79.2
16. Milton Furr C Carleton 18-21 111 3252 1254 996 6 101 89 1051 475 45.2 17 2 11.8 56.8
17. Jim King PF Carleton 13-16 113 3130 1253 754 102 105 146 1047 439 41.9 40 13 32.5 77.4
18. David Song PG Carleton 61-64 112 2122 1241 101 287 1 112 939 407 43.3 621 248 39.9 71.6
19. Mack Kimmell SF Carleton 138-141 116 3212 1240 445 108 34 75 1006 439 43.6 386 129 33.4 79.3
20. Loren Lochner PF Carleton 126-129 117 2112 1240 547 80 63 66 875 440 50.3 7 1 14.3 70.3
21. Alonso Gill C Carleton 3-5 84 2697 1233 834 57 140 70 881 401 45.5 107 17 15.9 79.3
22. Sean Smith SG Carleton 68-71 113 3284 1228 320 317 2 128 869 396 45.6 287 105 36.6 80.9
23. Justin Bakke SF Carleton 49-52 110 2821 1225 458 209 29 69 984 438 44.5 372 125 33.6 70.7
24. Marlin Dauphin C Carleton 22-25 110 2692 1222 876 4 91 64 905 409 45.2 51 11 21.6 75.6
25. Sherman Zahorchak SG Carleton 113-116 110 2431 1210 193 178 1 74 895 407 45.5 538 228 42.4 68.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%