Record: 5-12 Conference: Michigan Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 350 SOS: 350
Division III - Holland, MI
Homecourt: D
Home: 2-7 Away: 3-5
AVG 518
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Anthony SG Hope 49-52 110 2925 1676 190 266 2 108 1229 546 44.4 762 328 43.0 79.8
2. Harold Black C Hope 54-58 124 3112 1590 934 105 139 111 1182 611 51.7 5 0 0.0 74.3
3. John Robinson SG Hope 53-56 118 2736 1547 154 266 4 91 1076 519 48.2 804 355 44.2 64.7
4. Edward Thomas SG Hope 64-68 115 2692 1490 202 161 10 105 1096 545 49.7 37 11 29.7 65.3
5. Micheal Frost SG Hope 65-69 114 2599 1472 174 185 11 90 1033 467 45.2 623 261 41.9 75.9
6. George Miller PF Hope 12-15 114 3504 1452 1122 95 122 101 1192 539 45.2 18 6 33.3 71.2
7. Erwin Young SG Hope 30-34 115 2822 1418 169 384 4 88 1023 471 46.0 579 245 42.3 76.7
8. Randall Stafford PF Hope 62-65 114 2493 1406 607 58 87 59 1077 542 50.3 4 0 0.0 67.1
9. Clifford Cooley SG Hope 16-19 110 3221 1385 283 273 14 86 980 438 44.7 765 320 41.8 69.0
10. Daniel Rose SG Hope 25-29 99 2694 1371 328 277 19 73 993 405 40.8 752 287 38.2 79.2
11. Richard Neidig SF Hope 18-21 110 3293 1369 443 159 14 130 1033 447 43.3 565 205 36.3 72.2
12. Leonard Kasky PF Hope 53-56 118 3064 1347 747 59 117 100 1010 521 51.6 8 1 12.5 63.3
13. David Estepp SG Hope 148-151 116 2359 1311 184 240 6 83 923 455 49.3 450 190 42.2 65.9
14. David Chagoya C Hope 82-85 109 3102 1264 966 51 102 106 976 476 48.8 107 19 17.8 66.4
15. Gerald Brownlow SG Hope 97-100 111 2068 1239 269 226 5 91 851 419 49.2 446 204 45.7 73.5
16. Don Barham SF Hope 60-64 113 2552 1198 336 76 28 67 872 402 46.1 257 88 34.2 75.6
17. David Randle SG Hope 96-99 112 2181 1195 250 154 7 92 882 414 46.9 425 179 42.1 72.3
18. Daniel Pooley SF Hope 102-105 108 2673 1185 330 143 27 80 928 419 45.2 353 117 33.1 69.1
19. John Keyes PG Hope 87-90 110 2934 1168 218 401 2 146 866 378 43.6 427 153 35.8 76.6
20. Nathan Brown PF Hope 25-28 109 2338 1155 668 56 104 68 893 385 43.1 230 80 34.8 71.8
21. Thomas Eaves PG Hope 110-113 112 2527 1150 195 284 0 138 833 365 43.8 555 218 39.3 77.1
22. Robert Beals SG Hope 130-133 104 2310 1143 366 231 2 107 778 374 48.1 366 152 41.5 78.6
23. Rodrick Jones SF Hope 76-79 109 2624 1140 491 66 40 55 1024 427 41.7 405 120 29.6 74.1
24. John Henderson SG Hope 92-95 111 2402 1137 192 167 1 107 867 383 44.2 564 225 39.9 61.3
25. Anthony Berry PG Hope 79-82 109 2922 1128 206 469 2 142 806 364 45.2 418 155 37.1 74.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%