Record: 13-4 Conference: MWC Coach: tycobb2211 Prestige: B- RPI: 44 SOS: 68
Division I - Las Vegas, NV
Homecourt: A
Home: 6-2 Away: 7-2
AVG 676
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Phillip Weaver PG UNLV 117-120 123 3729 2016 377 570 10 216 1522 660 43.4 1195 482 40.3 71.1
2. Arthur Pope SG UNLV 147-150 118 2296 1917 218 170 4 160 1401 601 42.9 677 253 37.4 86.0
3. Mark Winston PG UNLV 124-127 115 2578 1898 115 278 3 101 1505 627 41.7 983 371 37.7 80.1
4. Michael Howe SG UNLV 108-111 125 3771 1885 406 535 10 178 1275 613 48.1 830 350 42.2 76.9
5. Ellsworth McGinnis SF UNLV 9-12 114 3839 1798 502 229 22 139 1413 635 44.9 753 279 37.1 56.7
6. Mark Boydston PG UNLV 105-108 127 3656 1765 379 504 7 179 1200 608 50.7 346 125 36.1 76.7
7. Patrick Frederick SG UNLV 125-129 118 3109 1751 256 291 3 110 1342 596 44.4 697 264 37.9 74.9
8. Jeffery Peterson SG UNLV 98-101 124 3662 1713 446 261 32 140 1274 612 48.0 529 207 39.1 66.0
9. Travis Chadwick C UNLV 6-9 115 3900 1708 1149 38 161 152 1292 692 53.6 36 6 16.7 64.9
10. Jarod Lablanc PG UNLV 69-72 120 2629 1695 439 198 24 108 1166 547 46.9 603 253 42.0 78.2
11. James Schneider SG UNLV 94-97 126 3254 1574 210 297 15 119 1147 524 45.7 672 278 41.4 69.7
12. James Dewees SG UNLV 77-80 115 3032 1555 212 295 4 102 1197 518 43.3 938 377 40.2 70.3
13. James Lucio PF UNLV 100-103 127 3514 1534 1074 163 143 121 1057 587 55.5 58 13 22.4 70.1
14. Joe Goodwin PG UNLV 149-152 113 2423 1515 142 293 1 184 1145 532 46.5 470 177 37.7 71.2
15. Willie Berry SG UNLV 148-152 120 2123 1478 266 201 7 139 1274 489 38.4 1056 373 35.3 66.1
16. Carlton Wilson C UNLV 131-134 109 3276 1449 866 83 116 89 1215 547 45.0 3 0 0.0 74.4
17. Danny Cosgrove PG UNLV 96-99 123 2882 1438 199 323 4 139 918 435 47.4 476 199 41.8 81.1
18. Thomas Saavedra PG UNLV 70-73 119 2537 1422 214 245 7 93 1081 467 43.2 593 237 40.0 75.1
19. Robert Billington PF UNLV 2-5 113 3152 1413 646 125 130 120 1013 553 54.6 123 40 32.5 65.4
20. Lawrence Richardson PF UNLV 113-116 123 3040 1409 625 224 76 91 992 511 51.5 309 109 35.3 75.3
21. Richard Bailey SG UNLV 148-151 118 2158 1406 192 178 13 111 1166 464 39.8 818 299 36.6 69.4
22. Shawn Roland SF UNLV 101-104 130 2878 1372 554 211 54 121 1033 488 47.2 519 213 41.0 65.6
23. Charles Teixeira SG UNLV 8-11 116 3685 1369 271 350 6 124 1023 436 42.6 636 263 41.4 71.8
24. James Calder SF UNLV 149-153 118 2030 1367 205 124 8 104 1163 445 38.3 967 361 37.3 72.5
25. Carl Allen PF UNLV 48-51 117 2650 1362 694 120 104 99 961 515 53.6 7 1 14.3 73.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%