Record: 3-13 Conference: Southland Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D+ RPI: 310 SOS: 287
Division I - Lake Charles, LA
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-9 Away: 3-4
AVG 628
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Robert Johnson PF McNeese State 96-99 121 2947 1775 563 194 35 80 1311 662 50.5 6 0 0.0 70.0
2. Cedrick Whitson SF McNeese State 1-4 94 2908 1604 519 216 49 114 1069 600 56.1 309 134 43.4 67.5
3. John Collins PG McNeese State 2-5 111 3565 1506 461 441 15 109 1064 515 48.4 369 160 43.4 82.3
4. Christopher Lundy SG McNeese State 7-10 113 3847 1449 236 418 6 140 1054 463 43.9 663 253 38.2 74.0
5. Marvin Welch SF McNeese State 116-119 123 3068 1441 446 188 49 89 1049 504 48.0 200 73 36.5 70.9
6. Wallace Williams PF McNeese State 11-14 113 3257 1397 817 184 86 100 1069 522 48.8 33 8 24.2 64.5
7. Timothy Wachter SG McNeese State 102-106 119 3102 1380 293 420 6 134 978 480 49.1 61 25 41.0 69.4
8. Manuel Jones PG McNeese State 82-85 111 3343 1350 194 327 0 113 1041 419 40.2 687 242 35.2 83.6
9. Kelly McCullin SF McNeese State 104-107 120 2999 1330 462 200 41 106 959 504 52.6 12 0 0.0 65.6
10. Malcom Allen C McNeese State 8-11 112 2918 1316 953 71 136 54 899 488 54.3 14 5 35.7 83.8
11. Brian Martin SF McNeese State 9-12 112 3113 1280 540 178 13 75 1042 429 41.2 556 190 34.2 66.7
12. James Kennedy SG McNeese State 115-118 122 2815 1266 246 226 3 106 878 441 50.2 28 9 32.1 68.6
13. Darrell Stearns SG McNeese State 69-72 108 2601 1265 291 215 0 84 974 457 46.9 466 190 40.8 61.5
14. Loren Smith PG McNeese State 74-77 111 2754 1262 189 310 4 112 920 413 44.9 646 273 42.3 76.5
15. Aaron Kantrowitz SG McNeese State 125-128 110 2711 1248 200 208 1 102 936 412 44.0 531 205 38.6 78.2
16. Zachery Watford PG McNeese State 78-81 109 3269 1241 160 374 0 120 992 397 40.0 621 223 35.9 78.9
17. Mario Aguon SG McNeese State 108-111 119 3006 1238 409 349 2 111 884 408 46.2 542 239 44.1 75.9
18. Elvin Gitlewski PF McNeese State 104-107 120 3193 1234 572 177 115 94 957 474 49.5 135 52 38.5 59.2
19. John Wood SF McNeese State 92-95 109 2630 1225 340 178 29 94 931 449 48.2 273 111 40.7 65.9
20. Anthony Wallace SG McNeese State 47-50 109 2399 1219 144 208 0 125 946 413 43.7 646 251 38.9 70.6
21. John Montgomery SF McNeese State 100-103 119 2662 1196 389 152 22 96 938 437 46.6 150 44 29.3 67.0
22. Arnold Kim C McNeese State 12-15 114 2564 1196 872 49 133 95 746 406 54.4 7 0 0.0 74.4
23. Dikembe Emanuel SG McNeese State 86-89 115 2898 1185 276 228 5 81 903 386 42.7 664 266 40.1 70.0
24. Robert Bassett PG McNeese State 133-136 109 2779 1182 178 407 1 94 810 369 45.6 357 152 42.6 87.4
25. Donald Stafford SF McNeese State 19-22 109 2702 1179 405 94 29 66 860 405 47.1 312 126 40.4 68.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%