Record: 7-9 Conference: Freedom Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 229 SOS: 189
Division III - Doylestown, PA
Homecourt: D
Home: 3-6 Away: 4-3
AVG 508
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Stanley Johnson SF Delaware Valley 20-23 116 3522 1877 638 139 54 101 1457 639 43.9 571 219 38.4 72.0
2. Allen Gallagher SG Delaware Valley 115-118 109 2698 1622 181 263 4 124 1055 546 51.8 729 354 48.6 68.5
3. Brandon Boyd PF Delaware Valley 1-4 113 3625 1603 1106 79 184 106 1339 586 43.8 98 8 8.2 70.9
4. Joseph Dewitt SG Delaware Valley 9-12 117 3483 1565 266 319 8 68 1182 470 39.8 923 370 40.1 67.3
5. Victor Esterly PG Delaware Valley 9-12 117 3396 1493 351 353 12 96 1191 460 38.6 819 298 36.4 70.0
6. Robert Jones C Delaware Valley 9-12 117 2840 1461 1182 57 120 89 1045 543 52.0 2 1 50.0 70.3
7. Sean Steve PG Delaware Valley 47-50 115 2840 1451 124 286 1 138 983 482 49.0 738 349 47.3 73.0
8. Bobby Burns SG Delaware Valley 23-26 114 3492 1406 233 216 8 134 1124 489 43.5 730 283 38.8 52.0
9. Keith Catanzaro SG Delaware Valley 126-129 115 2641 1388 262 264 3 109 960 459 47.8 599 274 45.7 77.2
10. Clifford Brooks SF Delaware Valley 137-140 118 2794 1345 427 190 13 96 924 439 47.5 603 266 44.1 74.2
11. Warren Garris SG Delaware Valley 16-19 107 3112 1304 123 88 8 94 878 414 47.2 628 269 42.8 67.2
12. Alvin Samuels SG Delaware Valley 57-60 102 2657 1290 91 295 0 82 925 453 49.0 464 217 46.8 71.7
13. Stanley Firestein SF Delaware Valley 112-115 113 2764 1256 385 249 33 98 934 434 46.5 505 208 41.2 69.2
14. Randall Bade C Delaware Valley 25-28 110 2822 1235 800 80 124 103 939 453 48.2 1 0 0.0 62.0
15. Micheal Stitt SF Delaware Valley 41-44 112 2457 1217 508 115 51 95 1022 455 44.5 465 177 38.1 56.8
16. Bertram Porter PG Delaware Valley 85-89 115 2280 1210 166 263 4 225 834 372 44.6 473 179 37.8 65.7
17. Clifford Green PG Delaware Valley 105-108 112 2536 1194 114 397 2 128 778 375 48.2 402 169 42.0 83.1
18. James Kent C Delaware Valley 57-60 111 2775 1192 751 30 80 74 835 441 52.8 116 30 25.9 78.7
19. Robert Coker C Delaware Valley 13-16 109 2749 1192 861 21 132 99 792 403 50.9 6 3 50.0 71.3
20. George Elder PG Delaware Valley 79-82 117 2054 1192 123 312 2 175 905 384 42.4 328 100 30.5 66.3
21. Marc Edgar PG Delaware Valley 22-25 112 3091 1182 169 366 10 111 944 388 41.1 515 181 35.1 73.1
22. Fred Morphis PG Delaware Valley 9-12 113 3020 1152 55 378 4 60 1006 365 36.3 676 238 35.2 62.0
23. Jim Atnip C Delaware Valley 28-32 108 2547 1145 644 97 105 74 977 446 45.6 0 0 0.0 65.7
24. William Barren C Delaware Valley 32-36 109 2722 1138 701 120 99 67 1021 453 44.4 12 1 8.3 65.4
25. Joe Hood SG Delaware Valley 44-47 112 3084 1133 274 331 4 102 919 397 43.2 469 169 36.0 68.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%