Record: 4-13 Conference: CC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 326 SOS: 251
Division III - Bradford, PA
Homecourt: D
Home: 1-7 Away: 3-6
AVG 486
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. David Rivero PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 131-134 112 2771 1492 208 320 0 167 994 466 46.9 640 284 44.4 80.5
2. Samuel Moore SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 104-107 112 2672 1411 152 263 2 127 943 464 49.2 698 333 47.7 69.8
3. Hao Xyong C Pittsburgh, Bradford 13-16 100 2572 1408 1010 56 152 106 1077 525 48.7 0 0 0.0 64.3
4. Robert Edwards SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 11-14 110 3156 1404 165 353 7 67 1128 447 39.6 819 325 39.7 68.0
5. Eric Truax SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 33-36 112 3109 1391 374 336 1 94 1054 478 45.4 653 257 39.4 68.2
6. Jeff Hendricks PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 49-52 112 2441 1354 85 412 0 144 963 446 46.3 761 332 43.6 74.7
7. Andy McTaggart SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 119-122 114 2872 1317 259 232 0 102 958 474 49.5 379 139 36.7 69.9
8. Donald Fisher SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 19-22 112 2987 1263 149 368 6 74 898 391 43.5 497 199 40.0 82.5
9. John Cornish SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 51-54 111 2714 1262 287 118 24 127 1023 427 41.7 755 294 38.9 64.8
10. Christopher Hanna C Pittsburgh, Bradford 29-32 110 2635 1239 787 8 146 68 966 447 46.3 0 0 0.0 72.0
11. Michael Derezinski SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 75-78 114 2567 1237 241 155 2 161 929 418 45.0 572 223 39.0 66.4
12. Tony Sullivan PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 94-97 113 2820 1218 179 362 1 168 816 390 47.8 436 174 39.9 70.0
13. John Keel PF Pittsburgh, Bradford 29-32 111 2768 1188 763 28 164 71 1007 465 46.2 64 23 35.9 57.5
14. David Janke SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 147-150 111 2541 1186 99 258 0 88 860 412 47.9 517 239 46.2 68.7
15. Douglas Brown SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 71-74 116 2321 1167 192 300 3 164 780 383 49.1 133 31 23.3 77.2
16. Timothy Nieto SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 25-28 110 2741 1148 320 151 11 58 915 390 42.6 549 208 37.9 55.7
17. Darren Sears SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 33-36 112 2434 1131 96 348 0 73 791 396 50.1 499 226 45.3 61.7
18. Jimmy Kuebler SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 120-123 114 2805 1124 216 219 13 123 868 375 43.2 461 175 38.0 73.7
19. Raymond Morgan SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 65-68 111 2310 1120 250 120 8 121 860 402 46.7 239 74 31.0 69.9
20. Shawn Zeller PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 138-141 108 2367 1107 232 255 2 95 812 363 44.7 487 203 41.7 78.1
21. Kerry Teel C Pittsburgh, Bradford 23-26 111 2847 1104 1017 91 170 51 1013 415 41.0 77 8 10.4 58.3
22. David Mellott SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 95-98 113 2980 1097 146 334 0 120 845 384 45.4 336 125 37.2 66.9
23. Tony Smith SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 108-111 113 2447 1094 138 242 2 80 800 359 44.9 465 195 41.9 70.7
24. Bruce Smith SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 111-114 115 2658 1090 194 300 6 87 809 359 44.4 446 177 39.7 68.7
25. Donald McGown SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 55-58 110 1959 1088 106 190 1 112 836 361 43.2 649 265 40.8 80.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%