Record: 4-13 Conference: ODAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 316 SOS: 208
Division III - Bethany, WV
Homecourt: D
Home: 2-6 Away: 2-7
AVG 512
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Brian Nichols SG Bethany 61-64 119 2201 1845 213 266 1 185 1379 639 46.3 832 355 42.7 63.7
2. Lucas Fuentez PF Bethany 10-13 112 2990 1538 905 9 106 94 1055 537 50.9 8 0 0.0 75.0
3. Melvin Yager PF Bethany 20-23 110 3057 1463 872 113 118 101 1131 530 46.9 148 39 26.4 65.6
4. Donald Fishman PG Bethany 53-56 114 3245 1457 203 316 3 151 1064 476 44.7 649 261 40.2 76.5
5. Nathan Reid SF Bethany 18-21 108 3074 1419 396 145 49 99 1038 463 44.6 499 204 40.9 67.4
6. Ricky Jordan SF Bethany 40-43 108 3421 1411 304 242 78 120 1260 558 44.3 6 0 0.0 69.9
7. Jonathan Evans C Bethany 11-14 115 2989 1387 958 39 133 49 932 470 50.4 0 0 0.0 73.3
8. Robert Mitchell SG Bethany 20-23 110 2977 1333 353 173 29 72 1028 441 42.9 393 153 38.9 78.8
9. Joel Hill SG Bethany 49-52 109 2706 1324 100 346 1 110 928 434 46.8 704 304 43.2 84.9
10. Donald Winkleman SG Bethany 3-5 90 2860 1320 488 209 20 89 919 418 45.5 483 206 42.7 74.3
11. Gary Free SF Bethany 107-110 116 2826 1301 391 181 38 100 969 440 45.4 391 151 38.6 73.8
12. Kal Roosevelt SG Bethany 20-23 110 2915 1266 127 233 17 83 952 414 43.5 671 276 41.1 60.4
13. Thomas Reid SG Bethany 69-72 110 2219 1261 133 234 2 140 943 419 44.4 581 234 40.3 75.3
14. Bruce Chisholm SF Bethany 78-81 114 2399 1237 252 110 13 122 985 428 43.5 429 152 35.4 66.2
15. Richard Britton C Bethany 5-8 112 2529 1232 928 43 75 65 928 446 48.1 56 4 7.1 72.9
16. Michael Tomlinson SG Bethany 40-43 110 3076 1231 457 234 22 137 1119 443 39.6 507 179 35.3 72.2
17. David Noland SG Bethany 53-56 114 3240 1229 185 289 5 134 943 397 42.1 567 211 37.2 76.5
18. Keith Stearns SG Bethany 57-60 109 2736 1222 148 236 0 188 1017 413 40.6 805 294 36.5 64.2
19. Dan Kelly SG Bethany 12-15 114 3353 1222 366 473 25 85 874 370 42.3 472 186 39.4 79.4
20. James Jones SF Bethany 111-114 111 2764 1215 513 72 44 88 970 439 45.3 353 121 34.3 68.6
21. William Daugherty SF Bethany 95-98 110 2751 1213 231 118 8 102 845 405 47.9 282 97 34.4 82.9
22. Dean Stevenson SF Bethany 48-51 110 3153 1205 467 127 49 76 950 428 45.1 351 124 35.3 70.5
23. Robert Schild SG Bethany 14-17 116 2971 1194 122 252 15 93 844 365 43.2 393 171 43.5 74.6
24. William Dalke SF Bethany 44-47 110 3357 1191 523 165 44 101 1057 421 39.8 539 177 32.8 65.4
25. David Wheeler SF Bethany 26-30 118 3014 1191 739 157 109 94 897 418 46.6 92 28 30.4 63.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%