Record: 12-5 Conference: Little E. Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 77 SOS: 153
Division III - North Adams, MA
Homecourt: D+
Home: 6-2 Away: 6-3
AVG 538
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Jon White SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 46-49 115 2845 2093 173 193 4 115 1478 704 47.6 1028 455 44.3 69.3
2. Gordon Crabtree C Massachusetts Liberal Arts 42-45 119 3270 1498 1007 73 102 78 1278 607 47.5 2 1 50.0 57.5
3. Antonio Cheatham SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 27-30 109 3708 1478 153 200 34 75 1397 467 33.4 1098 355 32.3 70.3
4. Ernest Bullock PG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 52-55 115 2811 1440 136 477 3 123 1016 486 47.8 468 203 43.4 73.4
5. Ronald Jordan PG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 68-71 113 2963 1419 206 343 3 167 989 462 46.7 587 249 42.4 69.1
6. Kerry Crowder SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 34-37 110 3382 1359 327 325 24 77 1090 453 41.6 638 211 33.1 74.7
7. Darrell Garrett SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 6-9 110 3944 1251 242 249 3 141 1235 393 31.8 875 259 29.6 74.4
8. Herbert Bushman C Massachusetts Liberal Arts 9-12 113 3076 1232 715 20 82 87 974 466 47.8 10 0 0.0 67.7
9. Stanley Davis SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 50-53 115 2404 1228 135 117 11 82 958 434 45.3 333 117 35.1 63.8
10. Roger Bean PF Massachusetts Liberal Arts 84-87 111 3082 1221 601 134 96 92 928 467 50.3 150 35 23.3 65.3
11. Daniel Cofer SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 48-51 104 2207 1218 163 194 4 93 862 375 43.5 732 303 41.4 80.5
12. Walter Churchill SF Massachusetts Liberal Arts 88-91 112 2992 1206 564 249 31 92 894 428 47.9 216 68 31.5 75.8
13. Trevor Conlon PG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 64-67 111 2920 1204 96 490 3 115 885 408 46.1 549 239 43.5 68.0
14. Dalton Lemon SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 19-22 106 3228 1200 164 232 7 93 951 411 43.2 746 298 39.9 44.2
15. William Berry PG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 84-87 111 2895 1198 206 387 1 109 823 382 46.4 576 251 43.6 72.9
16. Michael Fehr PF Massachusetts Liberal Arts 13-16 111 2656 1196 786 22 124 82 944 442 46.8 1 0 0.0 65.4
17. Earl Cornwell PG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 54-57 113 2945 1184 244 391 5 168 829 382 46.1 360 141 39.2 70.1
18. Joseph Cook C Massachusetts Liberal Arts 21-24 110 2769 1183 694 26 86 82 1005 414 41.2 221 47 21.3 76.2
19. Mark Barboza SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 124-127 115 2426 1182 324 257 0 123 875 393 44.9 681 289 42.4 66.9
20. Michael Belcher SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 136-139 119 2227 1180 166 190 0 132 858 412 48.0 371 157 42.3 68.6
21. Jon Ahlstrom C Massachusetts Liberal Arts 17-20 107 2997 1176 707 93 118 139 815 426 52.3 60 13 21.7 66.5
22. Damon Harriss PF Massachusetts Liberal Arts 6-9 110 3540 1155 895 133 45 158 1122 427 38.1 104 9 8.7 68.5
23. Sean Zwack PG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 28-31 110 3507 1151 365 473 40 153 985 416 42.2 201 70 34.8 64.5
24. Anthony Bell SF Massachusetts Liberal Arts 23-26 110 2587 1147 333 146 35 120 894 389 43.5 400 144 36.0 65.2
25. John Smith SG Massachusetts Liberal Arts 64-67 111 2713 1144 277 244 4 85 843 378 44.8 380 140 36.8 74.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%