Record: 13-3 Conference: CCIW Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 61 SOS: 159
Division III - Kenosha, WI
Homecourt: D+
Home: 5-2 Away: 8-1
AVG 532
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. William Brown SG Carthage 57-61 115 2380 1733 131 292 2 175 1268 575 45.3 615 228 37.1 74.4
2. Jon Townsend PG Carthage 69-72 118 2342 1554 158 247 3 176 1153 528 45.8 717 283 39.5 67.2
3. Peter Gardin SF Carthage 44-47 109 3156 1506 429 111 65 77 1234 533 43.2 722 266 36.8 67.2
4. Wallace Trussell PG Carthage 47-50 114 3300 1501 257 368 1 169 1018 452 44.4 564 211 37.4 77.0
5. Kyle Bordner PG Carthage 80-83 122 2261 1494 75 162 0 148 1026 498 48.5 583 263 45.1 67.0
6. Robert Jones SG Carthage 137-140 114 2580 1435 74 241 0 80 1030 483 46.9 591 265 44.8 79.4
7. Mark Andrews SG Carthage 46-49 113 2913 1423 249 287 2 100 1038 475 45.8 748 331 44.3 59.4
8. Felix Botts SF Carthage 108-111 110 2729 1421 310 130 25 83 1038 473 45.6 603 258 42.8 71.9
9. Alex Gabel PG Carthage 72-75 123 2309 1374 136 253 4 153 869 455 52.4 5 0 0.0 73.8
10. Donald Benton C Carthage 9-12 112 4177 1358 1244 68 168 100 1260 528 41.9 11 1 9.1 70.2
11. Dean Thomas C Carthage 19-22 111 2788 1357 935 72 84 39 886 465 52.5 2 0 0.0 74.9
12. Frederick Simek SF Carthage 72-75 123 2378 1350 443 79 46 87 1034 471 45.6 506 207 40.9 63.0
13. Allen Lemon SF Carthage 9-12 114 4325 1344 505 147 18 98 1077 453 42.1 640 232 36.3 68.4
14. Dwayne Jones SG Carthage 50-53 112 2708 1299 202 157 3 106 949 413 43.5 424 156 36.8 75.3
15. Jeffrey Given SG Carthage 23-26 115 2953 1276 67 300 9 84 863 390 45.2 671 288 42.9 77.0
16. Samuel Fields PF Carthage 9-12 114 4268 1258 1058 169 192 103 1125 486 43.2 45 7 15.6 67.2
17. William Gleason SF Carthage 49-52 115 3191 1252 401 201 15 83 1007 443 44.0 341 116 34.0 72.5
18. Jermaine Foote PG Carthage 85-88 89 1810 1252 100 123 2 107 1025 416 40.6 623 229 36.8 70.7
19. Harry Pierce SG Carthage 1-4 112 2905 1248 471 97 4 88 1188 452 38.0 374 128 34.2 58.7
20. Donny Montgomery PG Carthage 9-12 114 4263 1238 125 482 10 125 1023 387 37.8 581 207 35.6 75.4
21. Thomas Waters SG Carthage 58-62 117 2295 1226 299 156 4 129 926 383 41.4 409 138 33.7 75.9
22. Walter Belcher PG Carthage 51-54 111 3186 1208 233 424 2 156 941 410 43.6 240 58 24.2 74.8
23. William Hughes PF Carthage 2-5 111 3106 1195 1151 92 196 115 1089 427 39.2 134 32 23.9 59.1
24. Luis Best C Carthage 15-18 111 2294 1186 883 80 114 83 788 406 51.5 4 1 25.0 75.7
25. Ronald Lyda C Carthage 13-16 110 3653 1167 686 54 91 116 991 435 43.9 18 1 5.6 64.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%