Record: 20-1 Conference: USA South Coach: lhrr Prestige: A+ RPI: 7 SOS: 31
Division III - Atlanta, GA
Homecourt: C
Home: 5-1 Away: 15-0
AVG 633
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Richard Mullins PG Oglethorpe 137-141 127 3428 2600 173 367 5 150 1753 864 49.3 1314 626 47.6 73.4
2. Lester Lloyd PG Oglethorpe 124-127 114 3208 2123 226 426 2 90 1637 716 43.7 988 388 39.3 75.6
3. Matthew Joyce SG Oglethorpe 30-33 118 2929 1966 250 251 32 88 1546 661 42.8 657 251 38.2 72.9
4. Charles Barnum PF Oglethorpe 71-74 118 2900 1883 725 96 124 85 1346 729 54.2 11 3 27.3 64.8
5. Bryant Mattson PG Oglethorpe 133-136 120 2936 1759 117 423 1 120 1157 567 49.0 854 410 48.0 77.1
6. Daniel Liggett SG Oglethorpe 74-78 113 3143 1693 196 340 1 155 1171 570 48.7 790 358 45.3 72.8
7. Brice Shurtz PF Oglethorpe 59-62 117 2589 1638 638 57 92 84 1232 592 48.1 13 0 0.0 73.0
8. Jason Conerly PF Oglethorpe 30-33 118 2919 1623 757 128 54 104 1212 576 47.5 279 110 39.4 75.7
9. Robert Alston SF Oglethorpe 43-46 123 2613 1607 582 157 18 127 1175 566 48.2 343 117 34.1 73.2
10. Gary Burgin PF Oglethorpe 48-52 115 2476 1600 592 52 58 72 1442 613 42.5 9 0 0.0 64.9
11. Ryan Graziano SF Oglethorpe 66-69 114 2772 1590 321 176 7 139 1169 554 47.4 383 149 38.9 64.4
12. Donald Fain PF Oglethorpe 126-129 116 3453 1545 1070 111 136 107 1080 586 54.3 6 0 0.0 67.3
13. Darwin Bormann C Oglethorpe 132-135 126 2882 1540 697 21 60 111 1039 550 52.9 196 74 37.8 77.9
14. Henry Threadgill C Oglethorpe 17-20 120 3196 1516 1015 86 159 84 1064 513 48.2 40 5 12.5 73.2
15. Charlie Smith PG Oglethorpe 92-95 119 2790 1483 199 493 2 127 1035 519 50.1 640 305 47.7 63.6
16. Anthony Daniels SF Oglethorpe 118-121 112 2936 1446 485 153 26 93 1061 512 48.3 445 194 43.6 66.9
17. Shayne Delgado SG Oglethorpe 8-11 113 3213 1440 239 271 25 45 1286 468 36.4 965 342 35.4 49.8
18. Emmanuel Glaser SG Oglethorpe 118-121 112 3083 1434 133 278 6 103 1044 479 45.9 473 206 43.6 71.1
19. Jimmy Sartor PF Oglethorpe 30-34 122 2072 1395 493 84 70 66 985 466 47.3 385 152 39.5 84.1
20. David Hogan SG Oglethorpe 16-19 118 3041 1372 154 280 24 86 959 427 44.5 706 296 41.9 77.6
21. Elmer Ozuna PG Oglethorpe 139-143 121 2215 1350 147 222 1 90 874 433 49.5 709 331 46.7 79.7
22. John Holquin PG Oglethorpe 130-133 125 2616 1342 115 430 1 125 850 410 48.2 591 270 45.7 81.3
23. David Nicastro PG Oglethorpe 142-145 128 2946 1341 284 397 1 107 923 445 48.2 621 277 44.6 70.7
24. Stephen Rodriguez C Oglethorpe 6-9 116 3212 1340 1215 14 123 117 1043 545 52.3 54 13 24.1 55.9
25. Charles Myers PG Oglethorpe 97-100 111 2821 1336 157 432 3 137 874 416 47.6 535 230 43.0 73.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%