Record: 13-7 Conference: Wisconsin Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 149 SOS: 303
Division III - Eau Claire, WI
Homecourt: D+
Home: 7-3 Away: 6-4
AVG 551
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Robert Isley SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 137-140 114 2743 1733 195 335 1 132 1147 583 50.8 801 380 47.4 71.4
2. George Cooper PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 55-58 111 3300 1732 262 360 3 141 1307 569 43.5 547 186 34.0 79.5
3. John Bell SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 72-75 112 3105 1625 238 295 5 121 1170 557 47.6 646 288 44.6 67.0
4. Steven Crum PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 144-147 111 2645 1563 195 474 1 158 1006 469 46.6 670 281 41.9 84.9
5. Daniel Glickman SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 120-123 121 2802 1551 173 349 1 105 1079 533 49.4 677 303 44.8 71.1
6. Thomas Jarvis SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 102-105 111 2625 1545 210 252 1 116 1065 527 49.5 626 284 45.4 73.1
7. Robbie Riley SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 64-67 114 3332 1522 266 427 2 130 1059 500 47.2 647 284 43.9 73.2
8. Martin Bishop C Wisconsin, Eau Claire 31-34 112 3125 1448 872 28 155 54 1421 587 41.3 197 36 18.3 61.2
9. John Habib SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 94-97 111 2607 1436 350 304 3 111 990 464 46.9 544 224 41.2 76.1
10. Henry Blohm PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 96-99 113 2740 1408 311 465 2 139 953 470 49.3 187 56 29.9 72.8
11. Sal Brown PF Wisconsin, Eau Claire 5-8 113 3361 1402 1149 83 49 93 1308 533 40.7 119 8 6.7 63.6
12. Michael Collins PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 48-51 109 3121 1392 100 359 1 167 1176 465 39.5 907 326 35.9 70.1
13. Jeffery White C Wisconsin, Eau Claire 15-18 113 2761 1358 821 106 115 111 919 498 54.2 11 0 0.0 58.0
14. John Hall SF Wisconsin, Eau Claire 42-45 113 3349 1356 227 144 18 90 1202 450 37.4 985 355 36.0 64.7
15. Craig Dagostino C Wisconsin, Eau Claire 11-14 113 2608 1345 765 22 67 91 877 465 53.0 13 0 0.0 74.6
16. Michael Leaman SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 90-93 108 2792 1320 283 327 1 93 956 437 45.7 662 290 43.8 79.6
17. Samuel Neumann PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 118-121 116 3023 1316 156 539 3 134 903 413 45.7 684 285 41.7 75.9
18. Jonathan Tallman PF Wisconsin, Eau Claire 120-123 121 3033 1314 807 143 122 114 924 477 51.6 344 149 43.3 68.5
19. Anthony Moore SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 110-113 108 2571 1303 177 294 1 135 964 441 45.7 566 247 43.6 69.0
20. Gerard Riley PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 75-78 115 3184 1276 129 544 2 96 881 402 45.6 662 294 44.4 77.7
21. Derek Young C Wisconsin, Eau Claire 3-6 111 3573 1267 1107 74 85 91 1194 462 38.7 61 1 1.6 63.9
22. Sammy Hannan PF Wisconsin, Eau Claire 7-10 116 3041 1264 914 100 70 97 1020 477 46.8 11 1 9.1 66.0
23. Wesley Zieschang C Wisconsin, Eau Claire 49-52 109 2755 1258 836 103 91 78 944 483 51.2 40 4 10.0 70.1
24. Oliver Huseman SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 145-148 110 2082 1248 146 189 4 74 822 409 49.8 645 305 47.3 79.6
25. Hugh Friend C Wisconsin, Eau Claire 27-30 113 2505 1246 761 62 147 58 950 456 48.0 1 0 0.0 58.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%