Record: 15-7 Conference: N. Central Coach: Sim AI Prestige: A- RPI: 48 SOS: 30
Division II - Oakland City, IN
Homecourt: C
Home: 9-4 Away: 6-3
AVG 608
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Thomas Williams SG Oakland City 57-60 110 3308 1631 202 275 1 104 1246 538 43.2 978 419 42.8 70.5
2. Bryan Paez PF Oakland City 6-9 115 3319 1550 861 203 43 87 1156 620 53.6 36 10 27.8 55.5
3. Thomas Cook SG Oakland City 25-29 116 2860 1434 179 290 0 144 1128 423 37.5 660 213 32.3 80.8
4. Ratko Mayeski SG Oakland City 47-50 111 3013 1413 200 243 2 107 1092 491 45.0 648 248 38.3 71.5
5. Ronald Petersen C Oakland City 6-9 115 3111 1392 976 88 162 92 1020 556 54.5 26 3 11.5 59.2
6. Brandon Good C Oakland City 13-16 113 2782 1341 845 75 133 99 910 455 50.0 0 0 0.0 77.2
7. Jonathan Crossett PG Oakland City 81-84 108 2758 1339 171 388 1 135 928 457 49.2 385 164 42.6 70.7
8. Bradley Boyd SG Oakland City 15-18 123 3086 1318 26 276 10 109 862 383 44.4 718 305 42.5 82.6
9. Alberto Rossi C Oakland City 25-28 117 2944 1313 844 98 152 88 990 477 48.2 1 1 100.0 59.6
10. Sean Pew PG Oakland City 78-81 108 2718 1304 188 368 0 113 962 430 44.7 527 222 42.1 77.4
11. Jack Whisman PG Oakland City 26-30 118 2568 1288 142 262 0 136 979 383 39.1 635 227 35.7 75.6
12. Johnson Smith C Oakland City 9-12 105 2605 1255 854 28 171 61 856 450 52.6 0 0 0.0 69.6
13. Michael Smith SG Oakland City 12-15 123 2613 1246 240 178 7 79 885 369 41.7 718 291 40.5 80.4
14. Zlatko Szatkowski SG Oakland City 147-150 112 2707 1242 219 217 3 162 980 431 44.0 321 108 33.6 69.2
15. Jim Chavez C Oakland City 10-13 118 3162 1231 838 30 143 72 887 431 48.6 1 0 0.0 76.6
16. Bruce Gagne C Oakland City 20-23 113 2795 1226 886 9 182 68 937 451 48.1 1 0 0.0 66.7
17. Lonnie Jorgensen PF Oakland City 25-28 117 2491 1180 882 56 165 65 844 440 52.1 0 0 0.0 65.5
18. Rodney Frye C Oakland City 2-5 95 2844 1180 685 35 144 79 951 489 51.4 33 9 27.3 52.7
19. Clifford Trimble PF Oakland City 2-5 111 3299 1165 742 125 142 132 984 489 49.7 79 19 24.1 37.8
20. Keith Pointer SG Oakland City 100-103 109 2130 1164 146 242 1 145 845 409 48.4 433 197 45.5 77.6
21. Joshua Palos C Oakland City 14-17 128 2858 1163 922 96 207 135 941 416 44.2 1 0 0.0 80.5
22. Raymond Johnson C Oakland City 16-19 119 2788 1159 816 86 146 81 927 387 41.7 1 0 0.0 71.3
23. Anthony Evans PG Oakland City 60-63 112 2924 1141 239 408 3 123 854 398 46.6 287 109 38.0 73.5
24. Gary Atkison SF Oakland City 104-107 116 2206 1133 187 151 12 145 841 382 45.4 499 200 40.1 69.3
25. Glen Goodwin SG Oakland City 30-33 112 2995 1126 375 319 4 144 906 395 43.6 485 184 37.9 53.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%