Record: 2-18 Conference: ECC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 271 SOS: 236
Division II - Brookville, NY
Homecourt: D+
Home: 0-10 Away: 2-8
AVG 560
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Marvin Richardson SG LIU, CW Post 141-144 122 3130 2215 458 316 8 107 1580 838 53.0 6 1 16.7 69.9
2. Jeffrey Bell C LIU, CW Post 16-19 113 2960 1643 1036 60 180 107 1071 560 52.3 4 1 25.0 75.9
3. Gary Morgan SF LIU, CW Post 3-6 113 3183 1623 511 153 11 61 1233 548 44.4 452 139 30.8 75.6
4. Theodore Lawson SF LIU, CW Post 90-93 121 2431 1575 387 158 21 93 1125 519 46.1 782 342 43.7 71.7
5. Gregory Sharp SG LIU, CW Post 63-66 115 2161 1433 239 217 5 128 1175 489 41.6 816 308 37.7 62.6
6. Christopher Peterson SG LIU, CW Post 139-142 121 2899 1408 254 388 9 93 975 500 51.3 262 115 43.9 68.3
7. Steve Zerger SF LIU, CW Post 27-30 111 3068 1345 334 95 12 56 981 444 45.3 298 128 43.0 71.5
8. David Street PF LIU, CW Post 93-96 115 2902 1345 757 109 103 66 1001 509 50.8 41 7 17.1 74.8
9. Scott Ducharme SG LIU, CW Post 128-131 112 2863 1298 144 258 4 118 951 417 43.8 481 182 37.8 79.0
10. Robert Barger C LIU, CW Post 27-30 110 2792 1286 678 61 90 82 934 453 48.5 1 0 0.0 73.4
11. Rodolfo Acosta SG LIU, CW Post 116-119 109 2708 1277 376 264 2 91 919 427 46.5 461 186 40.3 78.2
12. Terry Ludwick PF LIU, CW Post 23-26 103 2638 1252 776 87 95 99 940 444 47.2 61 14 23.0 67.6
13. Manuel Clapper PF LIU, CW Post 20-23 112 3022 1241 878 23 212 42 894 410 45.9 165 51 30.9 70.2
14. Christopher Anderson SF LIU, CW Post 125-128 111 2727 1237 368 86 30 69 980 412 42.0 490 177 36.1 78.7
15. Thomas Jackson SG LIU, CW Post 132-135 109 2823 1230 260 264 4 122 945 436 46.1 476 189 39.7 65.3
16. Joseph Myers SG LIU, CW Post 90-93 121 2454 1226 214 293 2 176 859 393 45.8 167 56 33.5 74.0
17. Jason Stembridge C LIU, CW Post 138-141 120 3105 1221 786 106 173 76 853 446 52.3 53 6 11.3 77.1
18. Jack William C LIU, CW Post 24-27 114 2766 1214 845 59 194 83 868 432 49.8 1 0 0.0 66.2
19. Maurice Beard C LIU, CW Post 12-15 96 2398 1199 784 38 108 88 878 417 47.5 14 1 7.1 67.4
20. David Gray SG LIU, CW Post 20-22 84 2492 1192 261 318 13 85 869 377 43.4 579 224 38.7 76.7
21. Kenneth Meyers PG LIU, CW Post 85-89 104 2097 1177 127 259 1 139 878 401 45.7 128 37 28.9 74.3
22. Glenn Dones SF LIU, CW Post 22-25 110 2734 1172 547 83 32 45 916 391 42.7 393 150 38.2 61.7
23. John Hall SG LIU, CW Post 60-63 110 2107 1166 202 122 4 122 866 390 45.0 487 201 41.3 74.6
24. Patrick Aust SG LIU, CW Post 124-127 113 2764 1158 205 220 2 120 908 410 45.2 321 120 37.4 66.1
25. Carmelo Chavez PF LIU, CW Post 78-81 113 2586 1128 550 66 32 90 915 429 46.9 173 34 19.7 68.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%