Record: 15-5 Conference: Gulf South Coach: emy1013 Prestige: A+ RPI: 25 SOS: 51
Division II - Russellville, AR
Homecourt: B-
Home: 4-1 Away: 11-4
AVG 611
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Richard Adam PF Arkansas Tech 90-93 121 2831 2172 718 14 143 76 1636 814 49.8 3 0 0.0 74.7
2. Wayne McColl SG Arkansas Tech 59-62 120 3354 1742 374 267 8 127 1307 605 46.3 543 211 38.9 74.0
3. Thomas Rogers PG Arkansas Tech 141-144 120 3183 1680 166 469 0 131 1193 548 45.9 815 356 43.7 69.3
4. Marlon Stalder SF Arkansas Tech 47-50 116 3031 1598 337 235 20 81 1188 550 46.3 475 172 36.2 78.6
5. Davis Barber SF Arkansas Tech 133-136 119 3190 1543 494 177 49 98 1061 561 52.9 18 1 5.6 77.1
6. Ruben McCorkell SF Arkansas Tech 31-34 109 2569 1541 277 111 48 81 1276 544 42.6 561 205 36.5 74.3
7. Travis Marsh PG Arkansas Tech 127-130 120 3055 1514 173 332 3 141 1114 495 44.4 546 199 36.4 75.4
8. Donald Eddy SG Arkansas Tech 80-84 125 2910 1511 190 317 4 174 1181 517 43.8 630 236 37.5 67.1
9. Gus Laporte PF Arkansas Tech 145-148 117 2958 1501 678 82 133 71 997 550 55.2 3 0 0.0 77.3
10. Marcus Mitchell C Arkansas Tech 9-12 119 2703 1490 981 33 129 70 1061 536 50.5 0 0 0.0 71.7
11. Luther Mendenhall SG Arkansas Tech 79-82 123 2331 1446 164 165 0 178 1094 499 45.6 500 193 38.6 65.2
12. Luis Gonzalez C Arkansas Tech 7-10 110 2995 1441 870 43 138 91 1026 499 48.6 19 4 21.1 73.3
13. Paul Ney PG Arkansas Tech 141-144 120 2973 1425 172 394 3 114 1013 454 44.8 647 275 42.5 79.6
14. Abraham Blair PF Arkansas Tech 31-34 109 3110 1420 845 67 132 75 1429 580 40.6 0 0 0.0 59.0
15. Ernest Weeks SG Arkansas Tech 147-150 122 2431 1418 184 348 3 81 933 445 47.7 838 392 46.8 70.8
16. Lance Jackson SG Arkansas Tech 59-62 120 3085 1413 267 232 3 137 1085 458 42.2 728 274 37.6 71.5
17. Lawrence Bedgood PF Arkansas Tech 118-121 120 2787 1360 866 68 115 90 908 503 55.4 1 0 0.0 75.6
18. Rickey Leiva PG Arkansas Tech 83-87 124 2614 1359 134 337 2 177 980 452 46.1 498 195 39.2 63.9
19. Andrew Henderson PG Arkansas Tech 119-122 123 2839 1343 281 297 8 124 931 415 44.6 676 282 41.7 79.1
20. Richard Jarvis SG Arkansas Tech 117-121 120 2356 1336 212 152 6 111 940 421 44.8 772 332 43.0 70.1
21. Deon Urrutia PF Arkansas Tech 117-120 119 2849 1331 833 78 94 91 961 497 51.7 24 5 20.8 70.3
22. Scott Wiggins SF Arkansas Tech 146-149 122 2846 1313 454 197 41 80 961 461 48.0 325 130 40.0 73.3
23. Alfredo Romano PG Arkansas Tech 73-77 123 2422 1296 181 336 4 166 880 444 50.5 511 222 43.4 68.9
24. Christopher Marvin SG Arkansas Tech 19-22 110 3219 1295 138 432 8 78 973 419 43.1 618 245 39.6 66.7
25. James Gist C Arkansas Tech 29-32 108 2514 1279 679 41 115 46 1027 471 45.9 0 0 0.0 70.6
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%