Record: 6-16 Conference: Big Sky Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 305 SOS: 262
Division I - Portland, OR
Homecourt: C-
Home: 6-5 Away: 0-11
AVG 657
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Donald Mulloy PG Portland State 105-108 116 3034 1791 252 359 5 141 1327 583 43.9 783 306 39.1 70.3
2. Timothy O'Keson SG Portland State 108-111 116 3326 1727 407 343 16 101 1304 591 45.3 532 192 36.1 75.3
3. John Brennan PF Portland State 2-5 114 3764 1520 781 220 165 112 1032 611 59.2 104 23 22.1 64.0
4. Dale Tindal PG Portland State 109-112 115 3009 1461 194 411 4 114 1038 489 47.1 307 119 38.8 72.1
5. Kitwana Abdulmuniem PG Portland State 111-114 117 2818 1456 171 340 5 111 985 474 48.1 606 272 44.9 74.2
6. Patrick Collins C Portland State 13-16 111 2882 1450 764 56 92 79 1108 524 47.3 0 0 0.0 72.4
7. Gary Pruitt SG Portland State 130-133 114 2690 1446 213 233 4 109 1119 488 43.6 823 334 40.6 70.5
8. Paul Litten SG Portland State 114-117 121 3044 1432 435 272 7 128 986 500 50.7 331 136 41.1 67.7
9. Paul Baker SG Portland State 11-14 110 2989 1408 235 253 7 91 1122 439 39.1 765 281 36.7 73.7
10. Raymond Boatner SG Portland State 142-145 113 2629 1376 354 290 0 108 985 483 49.0 509 215 42.2 67.2
11. Robert Campbell SG Portland State 94-97 116 2533 1376 332 280 2 91 991 494 49.8 405 170 42.0 63.4
12. Stephen Reid SG Portland State 150-153 109 2695 1359 359 205 4 109 990 456 46.1 584 242 41.4 75.6
13. Christopher Norwood PG Portland State 61-65 120 3132 1350 244 497 4 135 907 436 48.1 769 357 46.4 65.1
14. James Hyslop SG Portland State 47-50 110 3248 1346 246 182 3 127 1089 465 42.7 466 168 36.1 69.5
15. Mark Brandt SG Portland State 19-22 111 3316 1344 137 344 4 80 989 419 42.4 675 257 38.1 76.9
16. James Locher PF Portland State 112-116 118 2793 1319 745 138 119 90 876 477 54.5 4 0 0.0 79.5
17. Mathew Hardy SF Portland State 116-120 117 2507 1311 463 231 35 114 975 463 47.5 279 98 35.1 69.3
18. Shayne Furlow SG Portland State 133-136 119 2534 1307 340 266 4 100 1008 422 41.9 799 317 39.7 73.4
19. Bobbie Onorato PF Portland State 74-77 111 3098 1289 811 102 113 85 952 477 50.1 160 48 30.0 76.5
20. Adrian Walker SG Portland State 55-58 117 3231 1282 348 288 2 100 930 435 46.8 687 293 42.6 68.8
21. Paul McKenna SF Portland State 102-105 112 2685 1269 450 203 44 98 958 432 45.1 325 118 36.3 71.6
22. Billy Smith SF Portland State 106-109 117 3089 1253 593 161 60 88 997 444 44.5 322 114 35.4 74.0
23. Joshua Kinard SF Portland State 4-7 101 2698 1248 403 148 11 77 906 458 50.6 315 128 40.6 72.9
24. Garth Hernandez PG Portland State 2-5 114 3261 1244 381 374 21 90 892 451 50.6 222 98 44.1 75.8
25. James Smith SF Portland State 11-14 110 2868 1235 369 205 10 87 883 385 43.6 535 210 39.3 81.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%