Record: 0-0 Conference: CC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Bradford, PA
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 486
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Robert Quinn SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 38-41 112 3053 1405 261 237 1 113 1032 470 45.5 766 330 43.1 69.9
2. Robert Taylor SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 23-26 117 3384 1387 436 113 39 98 1153 505 43.8 312 105 33.7 64.2
3. Jonathan Burgos SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 18-21 113 3260 1381 330 189 30 82 1104 482 43.7 710 285 40.1 61.1
4. Bob Holley PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 154-157 114 2603 1347 229 269 5 111 983 446 45.4 744 323 43.4 66.3
5. Larry Mercer SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 34-37 115 2238 1343 85 279 0 86 904 435 48.1 789 375 47.5 77.8
6. Brian Montgomery SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 77-80 111 2353 1332 170 212 2 174 1031 433 42.0 640 221 34.5 76.3
7. Monroe McCarthy SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 65-68 111 3001 1325 211 333 0 119 1007 463 46.0 420 167 39.8 64.3
8. Michael Clay SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 143-146 111 2906 1322 487 124 39 122 973 451 46.4 525 204 38.9 70.6
9. Roger Henson PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 102-105 113 2823 1313 113 426 1 116 877 427 48.7 666 307 46.1 77.2
10. Manuel Hooks PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 167-170 113 2852 1300 122 436 4 116 926 423 45.7 627 262 41.8 76.8
11. Bryon Valvo PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 35-38 114 2515 1294 180 341 4 156 961 427 44.4 629 262 41.7 64.7
12. Louis Pijanowski PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 112-115 111 2864 1280 186 442 1 149 891 411 46.1 575 232 40.3 70.4
13. Richard Brown PF Pittsburgh, Bradford 183-186 117 3030 1272 899 136 109 106 869 484 55.7 70 14 20.0 71.1
14. Michael Truex PF Pittsburgh, Bradford 195-198 117 3096 1271 610 133 81 97 1008 470 46.6 364 127 34.9 59.5
15. Rudy Carroll SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 73-76 109 2015 1258 133 195 1 134 864 398 46.1 670 284 42.4 78.4
16. Danny Billy SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 60-63 109 3173 1252 318 252 6 122 996 422 42.4 615 225 36.6 69.3
17. Lyle Bilbrey SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 162-165 115 2612 1228 437 193 18 74 894 432 48.3 418 185 44.3 71.0
18. James Burks SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 194-197 117 2896 1215 186 196 1 111 841 383 45.5 448 169 37.7 74.5
19. David Goodwin PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 118-121 110 2332 1213 139 288 1 81 874 406 46.5 559 243 43.5 79.4
20. John Garrett C Pittsburgh, Bradford 31-34 116 2931 1208 976 79 111 92 820 448 54.6 19 3 15.8 71.0
21. Williams Price SF Pittsburgh, Bradford 174-177 117 3051 1207 531 142 17 115 835 432 51.7 74 20 27.0 70.2
22. Larry Barton PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 48-51 109 2485 1200 194 270 1 125 852 397 46.6 426 183 43.0 69.0
23. Larry Smith PF Pittsburgh, Bradford 1-4 119 2515 1197 650 11 106 109 823 400 48.6 7 2 28.6 74.4
24. Jason Vicini PG Pittsburgh, Bradford 184-187 118 2651 1185 101 481 0 121 816 402 49.3 490 218 44.5 70.3
25. Robert Johns SG Pittsburgh, Bradford 186-189 115 2820 1179 148 339 3 101 866 378 43.6 332 113 34.0 79.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%