Record: 0-0 Conference: Wisconsin Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Eau Claire, WI
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 492
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Ruben Griffith PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 144-147 110 2458 1651 111 392 2 150 1105 549 49.7 401 173 43.1 74.1
2. Robert Anderson SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 193-196 109 2229 1548 92 211 1 106 1027 494 48.1 726 333 45.9 81.7
3. Luis Stevens PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 156-159 112 2630 1479 328 317 4 156 1014 487 48.0 462 187 40.5 75.4
4. George Roush SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 177-180 109 2271 1410 139 229 3 111 964 452 46.9 711 316 44.4 78.8
5. Jason Moss SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 2-5 112 3195 1407 318 328 28 150 1163 476 40.9 717 242 33.8 67.0
6. Herbert Smith SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 6-9 114 3365 1395 380 475 37 113 1112 503 45.2 681 257 37.7 58.7
7. James Klopfenstein PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 52-55 111 2623 1385 149 349 1 161 1023 437 42.7 784 306 39.0 71.2
8. Ross Riddle SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 155-158 109 2741 1364 271 229 0 133 983 458 46.6 692 299 43.2 73.0
9. Paul McHargue PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 132-135 114 2609 1358 145 336 4 135 925 439 47.5 534 241 45.1 72.9
10. Raymond Ospina SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 37-40 112 2399 1330 238 163 3 137 967 430 44.5 750 320 42.7 67.3
11. Dwayne Hastings C Wisconsin, Eau Claire 4-7 115 2794 1326 836 30 173 94 943 498 52.8 0 0 0.0 66.0
12. William Taylor PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 128-131 108 2626 1282 168 465 2 138 897 413 46.0 283 95 33.6 77.1
13. Doug Dever SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 22-25 114 2435 1273 208 133 27 136 908 424 46.7 669 292 43.6 68.9
14. Christian McNear SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 120-123 110 2380 1270 153 262 3 86 936 420 44.9 572 244 42.7 76.9
15. George Long PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 172-175 114 2359 1234 211 317 0 136 903 415 46.0 521 218 41.8 71.0
16. Warren Jacob SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 139-142 112 2638 1234 133 279 1 128 873 405 46.4 618 273 44.2 70.6
17. Willie Gunn SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 10-13 114 3116 1224 231 192 25 98 1007 451 44.8 419 158 37.7 68.9
18. Lawrence Webb PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 124-127 110 2367 1189 87 359 0 128 857 389 45.4 379 134 35.4 76.5
19. Bruce Bunger SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 31-34 111 2181 1176 160 212 0 162 774 376 48.6 322 133 41.3 82.0
20. Jason Ward SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 163-166 110 2555 1167 151 137 3 83 927 403 43.5 579 230 39.7 67.5
21. Dwight Noble SG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 130-133 111 2371 1164 144 181 0 98 825 381 46.2 604 261 43.2 70.1
22. Stanley Davis PF Wisconsin, Eau Claire 13-16 115 2583 1162 679 105 94 126 1038 461 44.4 50 16 32.0 64.0
23. Gregory Neer SF Wisconsin, Eau Claire 141-144 113 2305 1158 392 136 37 93 798 410 51.4 171 50 29.2 72.2
24. Joseph Walker PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 148-151 112 2428 1157 174 435 3 117 831 364 43.8 577 244 42.3 73.7
25. John Clark PG Wisconsin, Eau Claire 152-155 109 2311 1157 151 278 4 109 836 348 41.6 568 220 38.7 71.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%