Record: 0-0 Conference: Skyline Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Riverdale, NY
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 464
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. James Bishop SG Mt. St. Vincent 5-8 112 2137 2185 312 159 19 85 1859 807 43.4 753 272 36.1 56.5
2. Dean Roberts SF Mt. St. Vincent 147-150 112 2543 1650 340 237 18 101 1118 573 51.3 613 299 48.8 64.5
3. Alden Broughton PG Mt. St. Vincent 183-186 111 2521 1468 135 317 2 124 954 468 49.1 439 187 42.6 75.3
4. Mark Reynolds SG Mt. St. Vincent 160-163 116 2497 1464 221 305 2 118 978 493 50.4 444 198 44.6 73.9
5. Michael Hill PG Mt. St. Vincent 28-31 109 2877 1368 152 230 2 124 968 471 48.7 510 213 41.8 77.5
6. Karl Winiarski PG Mt. St. Vincent 3-6 117 2894 1332 509 483 34 140 998 448 44.9 492 190 38.6 70.9
7. James Dorsey PG Mt. St. Vincent 131-134 111 2437 1318 107 292 1 122 904 439 48.6 400 165 41.3 67.4
8. Glenn Sheppard SF Mt. St. Vincent 77-80 116 2836 1317 584 144 31 144 912 476 52.2 84 12 14.3 68.5
9. Paul Detweiler SG Mt. St. Vincent 55-58 110 2931 1307 256 299 4 114 1001 436 43.6 694 274 39.5 73.2
10. Kyle Williams PG Mt. St. Vincent 32-35 115 2943 1296 136 328 0 145 944 413 43.8 544 210 38.6 81.3
11. Jay Battle PG Mt. St. Vincent 142-145 112 2679 1290 159 289 3 126 891 415 46.6 426 171 40.1 75.3
12. Brandon Smith SF Mt. St. Vincent 4-7 117 2650 1287 567 143 83 84 954 480 50.3 275 111 40.4 63.9
13. Alfred Hillenbrand C Mt. St. Vincent 3-6 103 2329 1283 710 51 148 79 1094 516 47.2 5 0 0.0 59.6
14. Billy Volz SG Mt. St. Vincent 31-34 101 2096 1278 102 200 1 100 827 418 50.5 652 312 47.9 73.9
15. Phillip Duff SG Mt. St. Vincent 186-189 109 2541 1255 258 297 5 101 883 431 48.8 474 211 44.5 68.4
16. Felix Fillion PG Mt. St. Vincent 4-7 100 2326 1227 120 282 13 86 863 405 46.9 640 295 46.1 70.5
17. Robert Champion PG Mt. St. Vincent 134-137 112 2149 1222 170 244 1 97 791 381 48.2 473 207 43.8 78.6
18. Marc Chapman SG Mt. St. Vincent 17-20 108 2950 1187 245 336 18 73 897 401 44.7 599 247 41.2 64.5
19. Eric Benninger SF Mt. St. Vincent 123-126 116 2766 1179 559 234 34 83 921 426 46.3 272 95 34.9 66.7
20. Robert Albright C Mt. St. Vincent 1-4 116 2528 1166 889 19 208 72 797 384 48.2 0 0 0.0 76.7
21. Christopher Guttenberg PG Mt. St. Vincent 101-104 109 2430 1163 159 400 2 99 807 405 50.2 425 194 45.6 75.0
22. Frank Toothman SG Mt. St. Vincent 66-69 111 2895 1163 281 288 1 99 927 399 43.0 455 167 36.7 70.5
23. Lester Cunningham PG Mt. St. Vincent 77-80 116 3037 1153 200 378 5 134 798 361 45.2 394 167 42.4 73.9
24. Scott Stevens PG Mt. St. Vincent 73-76 112 3050 1151 145 534 1 141 838 394 47.0 403 154 38.2 73.6
25. Michael Herald PG Mt. St. Vincent 150-153 113 2050 1141 214 240 0 89 817 388 47.5 481 210 43.7 65.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%