Record: 0-0 Conference: ODAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Ashland, VA
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 491
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. William Denzer PG Randolph-Macon 164-167 121 2765 1817 246 432 1 207 1293 622 48.1 4 0 0.0 76.9
2. Robert Evans PG Randolph-Macon 173-176 127 2761 1705 77 357 2 194 1167 563 48.2 676 314 46.4 75.3
3. Robert Mah SG Randolph-Macon 5-8 113 3115 1607 261 293 11 98 1153 521 45.2 883 381 43.1 82.5
4. James Buffington PG Randolph-Macon 168-171 130 2746 1562 163 231 3 195 1001 510 50.9 6 0 0.0 76.7
5. Louis Henson PG Randolph-Macon 164-167 121 2407 1531 177 380 2 159 1065 529 49.7 4 0 0.0 72.0
6. Charles Linscott PG Randolph-Macon 172-175 129 2584 1531 125 439 2 181 1080 514 47.6 476 181 38.0 74.9
7. Joseph King SG Randolph-Macon 91-94 112 3026 1498 162 244 3 105 1063 501 47.1 752 328 43.6 60.4
8. Darrick Potter SG Randolph-Macon 180-184 119 2940 1485 258 333 3 135 988 505 51.1 639 310 48.5 63.2
9. Robert Myers SG Randolph-Macon 189-192 114 2915 1473 251 197 2 120 1015 494 48.7 675 310 45.9 72.6
10. Seth Aldana PG Randolph-Macon 132-135 118 2667 1396 89 345 1 88 974 448 46.0 655 285 43.5 79.6
11. Jack Shapskinsky PG Randolph-Macon 83-86 113 2986 1392 235 263 2 138 1034 446 43.1 520 184 35.4 74.0
12. Allen Migues SF Randolph-Macon 1-4 114 2910 1390 560 123 109 91 1066 451 42.3 522 201 38.5 64.8
13. Oliver Becker SG Randolph-Macon 140-143 114 3007 1356 240 266 1 76 963 456 47.4 764 351 45.9 67.9
14. James McClour PG Randolph-Macon 144-147 113 2603 1333 229 288 3 143 1027 457 44.5 562 224 39.9 67.7
15. Richard David SG Randolph-Macon 9-12 108 2945 1315 371 203 24 84 1029 440 42.8 663 259 39.1 69.0
16. Arnold Hamilton PG Randolph-Macon 119-122 113 2763 1313 125 512 2 116 853 408 47.8 645 296 45.9 76.1
17. Kevin Cuccia SG Randolph-Macon 62-65 111 2928 1295 199 312 2 105 993 440 44.3 512 213 41.6 76.5
18. Justin Ornelas SG Randolph-Macon 160-163 114 2655 1284 223 233 4 100 955 420 44.0 573 230 40.1 76.4
19. John Payne SG Randolph-Macon 132-135 118 2475 1281 148 268 4 84 906 426 47.0 513 210 40.9 79.9
20. Matthew Hettinger C Randolph-Macon 1-4 114 2647 1271 763 48 171 58 829 408 49.2 0 0 0.0 77.5
21. Scotty Trombetta PG Randolph-Macon 160-163 114 2709 1266 99 481 2 116 916 441 48.1 328 128 39.0 69.9
22. Dennis Landry SG Randolph-Macon 167-170 129 2392 1254 191 251 5 124 1028 418 40.7 701 263 37.5 65.1
23. Daniel Taylor SF Randolph-Macon 79-82 110 2587 1246 513 155 32 93 951 451 47.4 277 89 32.1 70.4
24. Dan Skillman C Randolph-Macon 15-18 110 2960 1242 717 42 251 129 1071 501 46.8 1 0 0.0 64.5
25. Arthur Gilbert PG Randolph-Macon 70-73 113 2585 1237 143 261 3 117 914 378 41.4 695 278 40.0 72.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%