Record: 0-0 Conference: N. Coast Coach: UD25 Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Springfield, OH
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 471
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Richard Scott SG Wittenberg 17-20 117 3032 1567 530 190 26 107 1239 611 49.3 3 0 0.0 68.5
2. John Bellman C Wittenberg 22-25 125 2897 1490 776 65 178 81 1037 543 52.4 1 0 0.0 73.7
3. Jack Holland PG Wittenberg 82-85 114 2511 1490 204 390 3 243 1003 478 47.7 429 172 40.1 69.0
4. Donald Luciano SG Wittenberg 174-177 115 2537 1481 189 247 3 105 998 502 50.3 492 216 43.9 65.4
5. Malcolm Simonds SG Wittenberg 146-149 110 2782 1406 211 315 0 101 981 469 47.8 731 336 46.0 75.4
6. Eugene Evans SG Wittenberg 122-125 113 2816 1404 324 215 4 114 978 438 44.8 498 200 40.2 80.2
7. Antone Battista SG Wittenberg 114-117 114 2637 1378 136 302 3 114 928 456 49.1 694 328 47.3 75.8
8. Ronald Kinzer PG Wittenberg 32-35 113 2320 1303 70 300 3 109 926 440 47.5 694 307 44.2 72.5
9. Michael Sznejkowski PG Wittenberg 21-24 125 2228 1288 166 311 11 120 925 433 46.8 595 253 42.5 73.2
10. Michael Macdonald SG Wittenberg 44-47 109 2154 1276 191 122 0 160 1004 417 41.5 686 254 37.0 71.5
11. Ronald Harvard PG Wittenberg 67-70 114 2480 1269 314 181 2 240 848 384 45.3 192 57 29.7 72.1
12. William Harris SG Wittenberg 190-193 118 2367 1267 121 256 0 95 874 418 47.8 440 192 43.6 75.4
13. Timothy Wayman SG Wittenberg 170-173 114 2648 1229 294 295 3 83 884 428 48.4 271 97 35.8 72.6
14. Dustin Gizinski SG Wittenberg 134-137 113 2676 1227 119 348 1 100 852 417 48.9 366 159 43.4 72.4
15. Donald Penny SG Wittenberg 142-145 115 2717 1226 263 336 3 117 883 399 45.2 430 170 39.5 72.9
16. Albert Thompson PG Wittenberg 33-36 113 2246 1210 123 405 3 203 812 370 45.6 447 168 37.6 81.8
17. Anthony Rocker SF Wittenberg 66-69 112 2333 1209 319 111 12 106 1056 419 39.7 577 181 31.4 66.7
18. Edwin Hewett PG Wittenberg 37-40 107 2450 1208 101 339 1 176 905 393 43.4 460 169 36.7 67.1
19. Paul Pusey SG Wittenberg 182-185 112 2569 1208 113 289 2 107 848 395 46.6 671 310 46.2 69.2
20. Rich Houston SF Wittenberg 14-17 111 2726 1192 405 46 35 95 957 434 45.4 469 182 38.8 67.9
21. Stephen Smolinsky PG Wittenberg 5-8 115 2570 1190 256 411 36 97 854 422 49.4 462 213 46.1 54.1
22. David Douglas SG Wittenberg 54-57 110 2563 1188 278 136 7 225 891 354 39.7 399 125 31.3 74.7
23. David Gentile SG Wittenberg 158-161 113 2317 1176 166 184 4 87 829 390 47.0 352 154 43.8 74.2
24. Joseph Hawkins PF Wittenberg 5-8 112 2540 1173 786 101 130 88 866 434 50.1 95 41 43.2 75.2
25. Clarence Brown SG Wittenberg 78-81 111 2088 1165 166 208 3 117 831 372 44.8 566 241 42.6 77.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%