Record: 0-0 Conference: NESCAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - New London, CT
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 537
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Norman Carrera PG Connecticut College 141-144 108 2940 1985 104 291 0 101 1602 659 41.1 1443 574 39.8 72.1
2. Joseph Graham SG Connecticut College 32-35 113 3174 1674 267 272 4 163 1162 562 48.4 665 270 40.6 69.1
3. William Kouba SG Connecticut College 61-64 112 3188 1672 390 296 6 138 1185 550 46.4 872 382 43.8 70.1
4. Patrick Thompson SG Connecticut College 108-111 114 2987 1600 369 197 1 107 1102 520 47.2 783 351 44.8 75.5
5. Paul Sather SG Connecticut College 112-115 112 2980 1500 245 246 2 92 1051 502 47.8 620 274 44.2 74.2
6. Carlos Putz C Connecticut College 15-18 113 3324 1498 1011 76 133 48 1227 611 49.8 5 0 0.0 56.3
7. James Keys SF Connecticut College 31-34 112 2846 1484 436 169 27 106 1065 515 48.4 453 183 40.4 71.3
8. Charles Angeles PG Connecticut College 28-31 112 2702 1470 240 262 4 143 992 469 47.3 727 320 44.0 70.4
9. Robert Jones PG Connecticut College 113-116 113 3128 1461 305 422 0 139 1051 475 45.2 603 240 39.8 77.0
10. Andrew Carr SG Connecticut College 69-72 113 2951 1436 98 406 0 104 964 470 48.8 765 370 48.4 68.9
11. George Blackmore PF Connecticut College 167-170 112 3007 1433 651 128 74 91 1043 501 48.0 403 154 38.2 72.5
12. Keith Salyers SG Connecticut College 15-18 113 3272 1398 146 467 16 106 1115 469 42.1 633 243 38.4 68.9
13. Roger Hutson SG Connecticut College 11-14 105 2933 1389 286 255 22 162 1260 540 42.9 335 114 34.0 64.8
14. Henry Morrison SG Connecticut College 65-68 113 2450 1380 90 283 1 73 914 471 51.5 634 314 49.5 69.3
15. Joel Hird PG Connecticut College 57-60 112 3270 1373 148 380 1 132 961 434 45.2 572 222 38.8 81.6
16. Loren Black PG Connecticut College 61-64 113 3118 1365 230 309 6 156 983 455 46.3 412 158 38.3 80.5
17. Edward Farmer PG Connecticut College 121-124 110 2966 1357 123 266 3 159 1026 455 44.3 561 223 39.8 68.1
18. John Howard SG Connecticut College 70-73 115 3063 1327 228 581 4 119 865 421 48.7 615 278 45.2 81.5
19. Stanley Guillaume SF Connecticut College 100-103 109 2983 1316 490 165 25 125 936 461 49.3 276 96 34.8 78.6
20. John Doyle SG Connecticut College 149-152 109 2918 1316 340 263 0 89 987 452 45.8 722 315 43.6 66.0
21. Matthew Nordstrom SG Connecticut College 3-6 109 2965 1311 195 305 6 83 985 424 43.0 720 275 38.2 81.0
22. Ronnie Thomas PG Connecticut College 88-91 111 2442 1298 136 214 1 167 934 435 46.6 570 240 42.1 71.8
23. Raymond Everitt SF Connecticut College 48-51 115 3329 1288 551 148 47 103 993 443 44.6 332 101 30.4 71.0
24. Walter Eaker SG Connecticut College 90-93 109 2745 1278 228 241 3 137 1007 420 41.7 782 304 38.9 72.8
25. Andre Pullen SG Connecticut College 126-129 112 2601 1271 197 261 2 71 1018 433 42.5 582 210 36.1 68.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%