Record: 0-0 Conference: NESCAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Lewiston, ME
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 504
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Bob McDonald SG Bates 111-114 115 3126 1600 364 267 2 106 1146 550 48.0 555 237 42.7 71.7
2. Ernest McKiernan SG Bates 18-21 112 3327 1520 375 296 23 69 1151 517 44.9 839 351 41.8 55.6
3. Matthew Arthur SF Bates 67-70 112 3142 1480 530 287 32 115 1042 515 49.4 332 116 34.9 75.4
4. Charles Lainez SG Bates 65-68 114 2765 1478 239 445 1 111 990 499 50.4 727 360 49.5 72.3
5. Brian Thompson SG Bates 82-85 111 2661 1476 195 248 4 107 1029 489 47.5 608 273 44.9 69.9
6. Randall Pitts SF Bates 133-136 114 3080 1458 368 179 26 119 1052 505 48.0 539 228 42.3 67.5
7. Michael Minjares PG Bates 86-89 109 3079 1453 256 310 2 132 1066 479 44.9 740 303 40.9 68.8
8. Duane Wooten PG Bates 130-133 110 2928 1430 146 509 4 123 914 449 49.1 501 227 45.3 87.4
9. Lawrence Barnett PG Bates 161-164 116 2807 1410 164 492 5 182 952 458 48.1 617 269 43.6 76.5
10. Shawn Olivera SG Bates 151-154 116 2604 1373 231 311 2 89 907 449 49.5 655 293 44.7 73.7
11. Anthony Brito SG Bates 127-130 110 2717 1361 284 286 3 117 916 459 50.1 435 200 46.0 75.7
12. Willie Sanders SG Bates 139-142 114 2994 1343 232 175 3 87 1027 439 42.7 656 251 38.3 82.3
13. Chad Embry PG Bates 78-81 108 2927 1308 104 479 4 131 954 438 45.9 604 253 41.9 69.1
14. Robert Lindquist SG Bates 164-167 117 2578 1301 238 296 5 120 870 420 48.3 404 163 40.3 76.8
15. Chad Robins SF Bates 31-34 111 3305 1296 551 182 53 135 878 452 51.5 151 42 27.8 72.3
16. Robert Williams SG Bates 46-49 109 2501 1285 243 140 2 89 975 424 43.5 673 278 41.3 75.4
17. Douglas Darnell PG Bates 37-40 110 3117 1273 126 422 4 104 960 418 43.5 756 310 41.0 70.2
18. John White PF Bates 29-32 110 2662 1272 826 80 81 67 902 487 54.0 157 50 31.8 73.8
19. Mikey Duff SG Bates 64-67 113 2633 1267 152 267 3 114 884 424 48.0 550 237 43.1 68.9
20. Richard Beard SG Bates 193-196 109 2848 1262 255 287 3 115 910 417 45.8 425 157 36.9 82.1
21. Robert Corns SG Bates 42-45 113 3377 1262 222 240 3 158 1000 406 40.6 447 140 31.3 77.5
22. Cory Evans SG Bates 107-110 110 2977 1261 243 318 2 120 901 429 47.6 522 217 41.6 67.9
23. Jason Scott SG Bates 99-102 118 2793 1261 355 293 5 117 891 459 51.5 151 51 33.8 73.6
24. David Pitts PG Bates 82-85 111 2805 1260 97 352 0 119 868 410 47.2 515 219 42.5 67.0
25. Michael Brown PG Bates 153-156 118 2966 1258 164 421 1 148 859 383 44.6 360 129 35.8 79.6
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%