Record: 0-0 Conference: Heartland Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Crestview Hills, KY
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 554
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Carr SG Thomas More 183-186 112 2534 2805 390 32 22 91 2548 941 36.9 2087 734 35.2 69.2
2. Stuart Cook SG Thomas More 11-15 121 3572 1733 162 464 38 52 1277 554 43.4 1046 447 42.7 61.8
3. Micheal Schroyer SG Thomas More 170-173 114 2827 1693 214 364 3 119 1147 561 48.9 755 349 46.2 67.9
4. Johnny Hood SG Thomas More 125-128 89 2571 1692 144 263 2 100 1215 552 45.4 1071 473 44.2 65.7
5. Lowell Tavares PG Thomas More 148-151 120 2731 1687 389 354 18 167 1109 592 53.4 162 49 30.2 70.0
6. Bruce Montgomery PG Thomas More 150-153 121 2674 1680 231 519 3 131 1119 544 48.6 688 311 45.2 73.6
7. Julius Wheeler PF Thomas More 6-10 118 3084 1677 1154 92 276 78 1449 667 46.0 212 39 18.4 60.1
8. Daniel Bachman C Thomas More 1-5 116 2765 1655 982 6 246 47 1105 573 51.9 5 0 0.0 74.7
9. Adam Spencer PG Thomas More 94-97 112 2682 1643 157 271 2 182 1231 540 43.9 601 225 37.4 78.1
10. Joe Brown PG Thomas More 97-100 116 2395 1625 178 283 2 124 1314 524 39.9 1061 407 38.4 71.1
11. Howard Hess PG Thomas More 155-158 123 3191 1624 262 495 2 169 1086 532 49.0 734 320 43.6 75.9
12. Michael Singleton SG Thomas More 95-98 112 2453 1573 278 167 3 159 1288 518 40.2 948 356 37.6 73.0
13. Christopher Commander PG Thomas More 138-141 119 2589 1554 235 277 4 161 1037 494 47.6 485 192 39.6 78.9
14. Manuel Gapinski PG Thomas More 146-149 120 2581 1512 171 511 1 143 1052 515 49.0 568 243 42.8 74.9
15. John Newman SF Thomas More 1-4 118 3014 1501 416 186 29 88 1012 465 45.9 396 158 39.9 75.5
16. Tod Orbison SG Thomas More 80-83 110 3010 1500 219 235 1 98 1091 496 45.5 730 321 44.0 71.1
17. John Williams PG Thomas More 115-118 113 2910 1499 141 490 3 175 1188 511 43.0 568 205 36.1 68.2
18. Loren Brown SF Thomas More 7-10 118 2764 1470 432 147 36 82 1055 504 47.8 549 242 44.1 70.1
19. Baran Smertin SF Thomas More 164-167 118 2482 1467 514 210 35 140 989 498 50.4 444 186 41.9 74.0
20. Eddie Fitchett SG Thomas More 2-6 118 2552 1447 139 348 19 76 992 457 46.1 816 363 44.5 67.2
21. Joseph Jones PG Thomas More 156-159 122 2596 1440 350 390 7 129 998 452 45.3 864 381 44.1 72.1
22. Bradley Leigh PG Thomas More 175-178 110 2351 1400 86 397 1 116 910 450 49.5 643 303 47.1 78.2
23. Timothy Gildea PG Thomas More 184-187 112 2378 1397 224 408 3 154 1041 465 44.7 729 304 41.7 78.4
24. Frank Hines C Thomas More 3-6 123 2447 1394 951 27 189 68 1015 523 51.5 4 1 25.0 60.9
25. Arthur Pickard SG Thomas More 159-162 125 2413 1382 176 470 3 104 835 433 51.9 512 251 49.0 72.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%