Record: 0-0 Conference: ASC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division III - Seguin, TX
Homecourt: D
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 507
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Charles Ball SG Texas Lutheran 190-193 132 2459 2121 252 218 22 167 1529 697 45.6 1095 465 42.5 67.5
2. Jerome Dixon SF Texas Lutheran 35-38 114 2999 2024 468 136 32 110 1512 707 46.8 5 0 0.0 71.8
3. Jared Curtsinger PG Texas Lutheran 189-192 131 3131 1910 213 384 5 215 1308 649 49.6 264 91 34.5 75.7
4. Daniel Rodgers PF Texas Lutheran 102-105 125 2922 1733 798 42 145 92 1144 680 59.4 5 0 0.0 68.6
5. Albert Lewis SG Texas Lutheran 104-108 121 2580 1701 204 377 6 116 1112 561 50.4 820 398 48.5 78.4
6. Eric Neveu PG Texas Lutheran 189-192 131 2422 1609 258 468 2 196 1131 535 47.3 232 79 34.1 75.0
7. Thomas Stevens SG Texas Lutheran 93-96 109 2982 1509 115 307 2 99 1075 497 46.2 658 295 44.8 74.1
8. Francis Boone SG Texas Lutheran 43-46 111 3065 1431 169 233 3 100 1029 469 45.6 777 337 43.4 80.0
9. Vincent Steinhoff SG Texas Lutheran 101-104 124 2621 1429 184 271 2 99 1080 458 42.4 900 371 41.2 70.6
10. Gilbert Booth PG Texas Lutheran 193-196 122 1976 1418 156 304 3 117 1029 465 45.2 800 338 42.3 63.3
11. Michael Herrin C Texas Lutheran 105-108 126 2828 1404 776 103 167 78 952 535 56.2 3 1 33.3 71.6
12. Ervin Terrell PG Texas Lutheran 99-102 116 2629 1402 170 350 1 110 1051 466 44.3 785 326 41.5 69.9
13. Joseph Zalewski SG Texas Lutheran 52-55 109 3244 1374 137 361 2 120 1056 471 44.6 554 218 39.4 72.1
14. Robert Bryant SG Texas Lutheran 89-92 112 2746 1369 185 300 4 108 894 429 48.0 682 314 46.0 77.3
15. Matthew Bengtson SG Texas Lutheran 55-58 110 3060 1358 191 383 1 136 973 438 45.0 515 192 37.3 72.7
16. Travis Ludwick SF Texas Lutheran 97-100 113 2573 1355 300 142 15 84 961 463 48.2 440 183 41.6 73.0
17. Craig Stuckey PG Texas Lutheran 64-67 112 3387 1330 204 379 0 180 1017 452 44.4 521 188 36.1 66.1
18. Chauncey Bright SG Texas Lutheran 1-4 113 3112 1299 113 377 1 93 893 392 43.9 695 278 40.0 80.3
19. Ivan Hilton PG Texas Lutheran 60-63 111 3024 1297 218 378 1 126 944 404 42.8 555 215 38.7 76.3
20. William Bentley PG Texas Lutheran 86-89 116 2497 1287 103 373 1 107 898 422 47.0 639 287 44.9 75.4
21. James Soucy PF Texas Lutheran 121-124 112 2546 1267 569 60 76 103 877 471 53.7 145 38 26.2 71.2
22. Thomas Lake PG Texas Lutheran 27-30 111 2553 1261 135 278 5 134 894 406 45.4 606 254 41.9 74.1
23. Michael Williams SG Texas Lutheran 47-50 114 3402 1256 354 289 1 131 991 421 42.5 417 144 34.5 74.2
24. James Johnson SF Texas Lutheran 70-73 110 3156 1229 466 97 11 75 1000 444 44.4 505 183 36.2 61.2
25. Marvin Langton SG Texas Lutheran 69-72 113 2843 1212 255 358 4 102 947 394 41.6 693 265 38.2 72.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%