Record: 0-0 Conference: ECC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Oakdale, NY
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 547
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Charles Berry SF Dowling 22-25 116 2817 1479 404 28 36 156 1095 521 47.6 468 186 39.7 69.1
2. Eric Spero SG Dowling 24-27 123 2718 1439 266 294 13 141 935 461 49.3 456 203 44.5 80.5
3. Joshua Lesser SG Dowling 47-50 111 3037 1429 230 123 2 131 1007 445 44.2 530 218 41.1 74.3
4. William Nelson SF Dowling 23-27 123 2496 1367 305 85 66 101 969 477 49.2 460 201 43.7 70.4
5. Barry Stone SG Dowling 137-140 114 2309 1339 153 179 2 90 882 444 50.3 453 209 46.1 77.1
6. Mark Hooser SG Dowling 83-86 112 2528 1312 268 153 5 79 924 427 46.2 322 128 39.8 83.1
7. Darrick Crane C Dowling 12-15 123 2729 1311 874 12 150 127 1048 543 51.8 0 0 0.0 62.2
8. Anthony Cook SG Dowling 116-119 114 2901 1309 325 240 2 125 1010 448 44.4 458 179 39.1 72.0
9. Sean Kane SF Dowling 26-29 127 2601 1288 369 178 46 83 843 471 55.9 271 119 43.9 70.1
10. Edward Rodrigues SF Dowling 192-195 109 2605 1281 398 164 27 105 928 468 50.4 254 99 39.0 64.7
11. Jamie Hunt C Dowling 17-20 125 2680 1247 858 74 118 111 981 491 50.1 2 0 0.0 66.4
12. John Goyette SG Dowling 152-156 110 2548 1241 300 207 5 126 904 438 48.5 412 169 41.0 66.9
13. Charles Miller SG Dowling 11-14 123 2524 1206 129 226 4 137 852 411 48.2 607 259 42.7 58.4
14. John Washington SG Dowling 7-11 126 2504 1193 199 314 3 155 836 410 49.0 504 216 42.9 77.3
15. Ronald Marroquin C Dowling 3-6 114 2525 1182 761 53 108 55 889 434 48.8 0 0 0.0 71.9
16. Dale Boner PG Dowling 161-164 110 2836 1181 128 418 0 133 831 381 45.8 482 207 42.9 71.4
17. James McCrobie PG Dowling 52-55 111 3093 1172 138 384 2 117 888 373 42.0 520 189 36.3 76.2
18. Larry Salters SF Dowling 4-7 116 2589 1169 478 165 4 63 907 426 47.0 271 116 42.8 67.0
19. James Levell PG Dowling 34-37 117 3026 1167 212 444 3 113 763 366 48.0 154 52 33.8 83.6
20. Steve Chan C Dowling 29-32 126 3020 1158 801 77 133 63 825 440 53.3 146 48 32.9 74.7
21. Corey Brown SF Dowling 66-69 110 2448 1154 510 60 23 81 818 407 49.8 127 39 30.7 72.5
22. James Moon PG Dowling 43-46 110 2697 1149 172 243 1 110 848 364 42.9 277 94 33.9 73.2
23. Edwin Collins SG Dowling 12-16 127 2623 1146 305 247 6 170 885 420 47.5 529 205 38.8 52.9
24. Emory Kaniewski SF Dowling 148-151 111 2674 1146 527 103 44 80 895 404 45.1 305 104 34.1 72.9
25. Ronald Doran SG Dowling 18-21 116 1914 1131 230 206 8 121 800 366 45.8 556 236 42.4 68.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%