Record: 0-0 Conference: Lone Star Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division II - Lawton, OK
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 542
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Matt Waites SF Cameron 7-11 118 3109 1424 639 97 56 81 1139 530 46.5 121 43 35.5 72.1
2. Erik Dearth SF Cameron 3-6 118 3000 1286 664 168 37 58 943 466 49.4 0 0 0.0 72.0
3. Willard Legault PG Cameron 88-91 115 2313 1279 83 391 1 139 880 414 47.0 431 186 43.2 78.4
4. John Ryan SG Cameron 2-5 115 2908 1253 264 331 40 81 945 418 44.2 478 170 35.6 67.5
5. Ray McMullan C Cameron 4-7 121 2937 1246 970 56 205 69 968 507 52.4 0 0 0.0 60.7
6. Kenneth Rash PG Cameron 51-54 109 2551 1223 120 319 1 107 805 379 47.1 490 211 43.1 86.1
7. Frank Harrison SF Cameron 125-128 112 2694 1221 403 149 20 53 955 425 44.5 471 183 38.9 69.6
8. David Barta SG Cameron 92-95 112 2203 1214 156 239 2 147 936 394 42.1 606 233 38.4 73.4
9. Gregory Kittle SF Cameron 79-82 111 2961 1200 310 185 16 106 922 403 43.7 415 145 34.9 78.3
10. David Price SG Cameron 136-139 110 2833 1194 269 242 3 93 920 410 44.6 518 198 38.2 71.5
11. Edward McDay SG Cameron 16-19 114 2927 1190 286 257 38 113 933 409 43.8 617 230 37.3 71.0
12. John Adkins SG Cameron 112-115 109 2546 1186 134 231 3 92 828 390 47.1 603 283 46.9 66.5
13. Robert Garrett SF Cameron 177-181 109 2459 1184 417 192 27 82 862 411 47.7 368 147 39.9 75.4
14. Shawn Clark PG Cameron 182-185 110 2803 1178 130 388 3 118 859 386 44.9 422 172 40.8 76.0
15. Rodney Murphy SG Cameron 44-47 112 2916 1178 207 265 3 84 925 387 41.8 682 280 41.1 76.5
16. Nathan White PG Cameron 2-5 115 2748 1175 203 384 1 78 938 388 41.4 403 154 38.2 70.4
17. Johnnie Golden PG Cameron 104-107 111 2543 1170 243 310 2 104 853 395 46.3 558 241 43.2 67.5
18. Edward Phillips PG Cameron 170-173 110 2654 1170 199 278 1 128 828 376 45.4 399 158 39.6 72.2
19. Leo Becraft PG Cameron 166-169 110 2527 1160 135 397 2 104 794 387 48.7 372 161 43.3 73.5
20. William Holder SF Cameron 121-124 114 2518 1145 477 135 31 64 883 407 46.1 332 112 33.7 61.0
21. James Drewes PG Cameron 60-63 111 2913 1144 210 401 2 126 856 367 42.9 530 200 37.7 72.9
22. Wesley Fernandes PG Cameron 127-130 110 2840 1133 114 343 0 109 845 384 45.4 420 166 39.5 69.6
23. Henry Roberts C Cameron 12-16 119 3086 1133 587 48 229 85 922 442 47.9 1 0 0.0 67.7
24. Bobby Rambo SF Cameron 189-192 111 2893 1133 303 144 30 99 875 389 44.5 409 152 37.2 72.2
25. James Fish PG Cameron 9-13 120 3049 1131 381 518 8 79 870 394 45.3 166 65 39.2 80.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%