Record: 0-0 Conference: SL Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Tulsa, OK
Homecourt: C+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 631
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. William Thompson SF Oral Roberts 52-55 120 3446 1890 747 242 75 83 1337 717 53.6 13 1 7.7 72.7
2. Michael Sells PG Oral Roberts 110-113 117 3367 1835 229 314 4 103 1432 640 44.7 94 27 28.7 77.6
3. Gary Gearheart SG Oral Roberts 183-186 123 2707 1820 243 394 3 105 1204 584 48.5 1084 509 47.0 75.3
4. David Toussaint C Oral Roberts 177-180 120 3307 1577 893 93 121 114 1064 599 56.3 2 0 0.0 69.8
5. Trey Branch SG Oral Roberts 181-185 121 2687 1516 164 304 1 105 1045 493 47.2 731 326 44.6 77.9
6. Scott Torre SG Oral Roberts 102-105 116 2457 1513 254 305 1 180 1128 526 46.6 435 166 38.2 74.3
7. Larry Stella PG Oral Roberts 109-113 117 3211 1491 233 423 3 119 1125 501 44.5 11 1 9.1 81.6
8. Saul Rodriguez SG Oral Roberts 176-179 117 2975 1491 354 205 7 86 1076 491 45.6 656 277 42.2 75.6
9. Adrian Caldwell SG Oral Roberts 56-59 111 3082 1484 272 288 2 96 1053 505 48.0 617 277 44.9 68.4
10. William Litchford PG Oral Roberts 51-55 120 2301 1480 116 280 4 97 1029 470 45.7 848 375 44.2 76.4
11. Paul Sullivan PF Oral Roberts 116-119 121 3028 1474 710 136 119 99 1060 585 55.2 2 0 0.0 59.5
12. Michael Burton PG Oral Roberts 186-190 123 2987 1473 131 394 1 104 1015 483 47.6 796 358 45.0 72.3
13. Lonnie Bailey SG Oral Roberts 176-180 119 2249 1445 113 219 1 83 997 475 47.6 855 392 45.8 73.6
14. Philip Vinson SG Oral Roberts 47-51 122 2587 1435 175 337 4 84 1011 465 46.0 697 313 44.9 75.0
15. George Vella PG Oral Roberts 112-115 123 3146 1395 241 377 6 123 979 464 47.4 15 2 13.3 72.4
16. Jeffrey Neighbors PG Oral Roberts 35-38 111 3222 1392 279 394 2 140 979 443 45.3 484 183 37.8 86.6
17. Randy Kinney SG Oral Roberts 168-171 115 2605 1381 339 318 4 150 982 464 47.3 467 191 40.9 79.4
18. Brian Raposa SG Oral Roberts 44-47 116 2517 1379 195 357 1 70 958 444 46.3 881 396 44.9 77.2
19. Richard Nance PF Oral Roberts 1-4 114 2692 1354 709 53 91 170 923 501 54.3 1 1 100.0 67.6
20. Howard Rusinski SF Oral Roberts 187-190 123 3021 1333 678 169 68 103 903 492 54.5 58 14 24.1 74.1
21. Justin Whitehurst C Oral Roberts 4-7 116 2523 1319 761 54 143 132 1024 524 51.2 0 0 0.0 62.0
22. David McGirr PF Oral Roberts 18-22 120 2957 1305 892 5 229 107 1014 517 51.0 1 0 0.0 63.5
23. Solomon Stanley PF Oral Roberts 49-52 122 2585 1291 646 68 64 61 937 490 52.3 11 1 9.1 70.3
24. James Ensley SG Oral Roberts 10-13 111 3287 1269 158 279 12 104 974 434 44.6 663 255 38.5 71.2
25. Theodore Coakley PG Oral Roberts 160-163 111 2261 1249 245 395 0 134 830 419 50.5 476 212 44.5 82.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%