Record: 3-19 Conference: Freedom Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 291 SOS: 63
Division III - Madison, NJ
Homecourt: D-
Home: 1-11 Away: 2-8
AVG 503
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Rayford Krall PF Drew 99-102 119 3144 2040 867 54 98 100 1546 752 48.6 239 75 31.4 70.4
2. Patrick Petersen PG Drew 65-69 132 2705 1826 185 382 0 203 1310 627 47.9 560 242 43.2 67.5
3. Dustin Gore PG Drew 43-47 122 2399 1809 211 230 1 223 1312 594 45.3 715 285 39.9 73.0
4. Robert Butler PG Drew 64-68 131 2591 1804 141 372 5 180 1307 600 45.9 776 320 41.2 74.7
5. Kenneth Woods PG Drew 34-38 120 2455 1752 134 500 1 194 1214 598 49.3 600 272 45.3 67.0
6. Michael Perry SG Drew 168-171 110 2924 1696 216 207 7 113 1258 591 47.0 643 272 42.3 71.0
7. Richard Milian SG Drew 69-73 132 2437 1676 191 303 5 162 1154 551 47.7 689 304 44.1 74.4
8. William Wade SF Drew 24-28 118 2345 1667 301 82 18 126 1321 583 44.1 596 216 36.2 76.2
9. David Garner PG Drew 113-116 114 2700 1607 146 301 2 120 1157 511 44.2 787 328 41.7 77.6
10. Kenneth Mathews SG Drew 22-25 123 2622 1540 216 242 7 143 1148 542 47.2 749 314 41.9 57.5
11. Norman Todd SG Drew 72-76 132 2292 1537 170 210 3 180 1091 497 45.6 626 252 40.3 75.2
12. Gene Knight PG Drew 50-54 120 2359 1516 186 377 3 183 1057 504 47.7 480 186 38.8 75.9
13. Jimmy Baker PG Drew 55-59 113 2314 1515 125 243 1 202 1117 502 44.9 599 240 40.1 67.6
14. Mike Thomas PG Drew 87-90 124 2741 1501 121 348 1 133 1009 504 50.0 624 280 44.9 67.0
15. Robert Helwig SG Drew 54-58 114 2086 1484 155 192 4 133 1073 482 44.9 712 302 42.4 78.4
16. Adam Brooks PG Drew 67-70 134 2531 1482 167 340 3 193 955 448 46.9 690 294 42.6 75.3
17. William Cotton PF Drew 42-46 121 2483 1468 818 71 140 101 1068 543 50.8 7 0 0.0 70.6
18. Lewis Evans SG Drew 160-163 110 2448 1466 266 195 3 111 1094 482 44.1 877 363 41.4 66.5
19. Eddie Ostlund PF Drew 1-5 121 2665 1450 643 11 67 108 939 488 52.0 25 15 60.0 76.8
20. Richard Zywiec PG Drew 52-56 116 2354 1450 154 400 1 258 964 456 47.3 270 91 33.7 71.1
21. Evan Shaw PG Drew 96-99 117 2780 1439 192 288 3 147 1050 448 42.7 375 132 35.2 69.8
22. Willie Graham SG Drew 192-195 110 2710 1425 410 221 1 111 1058 494 46.7 496 191 38.5 58.4
23. Ronald Cole PG Drew 52-55 118 2282 1419 115 306 2 160 911 444 48.7 694 321 46.3 71.7
24. William Montejano SG Drew 39-43 121 2360 1413 195 254 3 196 1017 473 46.5 673 291 43.2 62.2
25. David Johnson PG Drew 189-192 109 2374 1385 99 392 2 133 947 461 48.7 582 256 44.0 78.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%