Record: 17-6 Conference: SUNYAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: B- RPI: 82 SOS: 146
Division III - New London, CT
Homecourt: D+
Home: 7-5 Away: 10-1
AVG 532
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Benny Plotkin SG U.S. Coast Guard 28-31 113 2871 2182 292 133 6 88 1879 710 37.8 1760 645 36.6 78.5
2. Theodore Bachus SG U.S. Coast Guard 133-137 119 2500 2114 224 181 5 131 1881 721 38.3 1232 414 33.6 69.4
3. Brandon Enos SG U.S. Coast Guard 90-93 130 2823 1875 145 371 2 247 1158 599 51.7 661 318 48.1 68.6
4. Christopher Rigg PG U.S. Coast Guard 73-76 123 2986 1720 226 318 2 251 1283 576 44.9 483 188 38.9 71.3
5. Aaron Byerly SG U.S. Coast Guard 132-136 122 2438 1663 344 240 8 149 1229 575 46.8 801 347 43.3 71.2
6. Joseph Jackson SG U.S. Coast Guard 68-71 113 2408 1621 84 248 0 122 1209 545 45.1 946 410 43.3 65.1
7. Marc Peters C U.S. Coast Guard 117-121 112 2951 1556 712 85 75 129 1191 600 50.4 134 32 23.9 63.3
8. Kal Haney C U.S. Coast Guard 123-126 118 2171 1530 682 68 90 90 1131 587 51.9 1 0 0.0 61.2
9. Kirby Wolinski PG U.S. Coast Guard 95-98 131 2869 1507 177 373 3 222 928 457 49.2 438 191 43.6 79.3
10. Lloyd Sarratt PF U.S. Coast Guard 85-89 126 2591 1505 862 129 113 86 986 557 56.5 8 3 37.5 79.8
11. Efrain Hamilton PF U.S. Coast Guard 90-94 135 2446 1504 601 97 59 93 1012 560 55.3 3 1 33.3 68.0
12. John Karpstein SG U.S. Coast Guard 104-107 124 2499 1491 143 430 0 160 1043 500 47.9 732 330 45.1 70.9
13. Ralph Adkison SF U.S. Coast Guard 80-83 128 2776 1488 557 122 56 124 1066 524 49.2 305 113 37.0 74.3
14. Donald Myers C U.S. Coast Guard 25-28 115 2950 1482 641 84 214 71 1136 594 52.3 2 0 0.0 59.0
15. Christopher Hubbell PF U.S. Coast Guard 104-107 124 2707 1450 693 109 102 97 999 562 56.3 11 0 0.0 66.4
16. Michael Hughes PG U.S. Coast Guard 90-94 134 2619 1402 245 567 2 205 871 453 52.0 132 48 36.4 70.9
17. Joseph Teasley SG U.S. Coast Guard 82-85 128 2398 1396 134 255 1 205 895 447 49.9 609 286 47.0 73.5
18. Michael Buss SG U.S. Coast Guard 25-28 118 3081 1388 438 255 5 81 1045 442 42.3 811 321 39.6 73.2
19. Harold Eagan SG U.S. Coast Guard 116-119 112 2543 1369 140 313 0 146 1067 482 45.2 557 211 37.9 70.5
20. Richard Anderson SF U.S. Coast Guard 32-35 111 2782 1346 372 163 17 110 997 435 43.6 654 250 38.2 74.3
21. Stephen Pigott PG U.S. Coast Guard 81-84 130 2424 1322 90 516 2 167 853 426 49.9 526 238 45.2 75.1
22. Michael Mills PG U.S. Coast Guard 187-190 124 2304 1315 118 369 2 153 808 408 50.5 671 324 48.3 80.3
23. Matthew Walsh SF U.S. Coast Guard 72-75 122 2558 1313 376 115 20 156 880 441 50.1 157 56 35.7 73.0
24. Joseph Knickerbocker PG U.S. Coast Guard 85-89 126 2374 1297 106 452 2 183 806 397 49.3 581 265 45.6 78.0
25. George People PG U.S. Coast Guard 193-196 124 2486 1294 179 275 4 175 880 397 45.1 520 214 41.2 86.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%