Record: 6-17 Conference: Ohio Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 331 SOS: 261
Division III - Ada, OH
Homecourt: D
Home: 2-9 Away: 4-8
AVG 524
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Ray Knopf SF Ohio Northern 109-113 125 2751 2658 234 269 20 192 1773 859 48.4 1418 655 46.2 83.3
2. Robert Miller SG Ohio Northern 100-103 125 2514 2315 166 323 5 265 1527 719 47.1 987 434 44.0 70.5
3. James Walker SG Ohio Northern 124-127 127 2863 2118 196 281 1 135 1398 685 49.0 1232 580 47.1 65.9
4. Charles Slater SG Ohio Northern 164-167 124 3297 2018 204 518 7 166 1291 654 50.7 944 465 49.3 66.2
5. Donald Hooper SG Ohio Northern 135-138 128 3054 1937 183 345 2 168 1342 611 45.5 841 339 40.3 84.1
6. Vernon Norcross SF Ohio Northern 62-65 108 3160 1922 420 88 25 83 1814 740 40.8 203 57 28.1 64.0
7. Alex Turowski SF Ohio Northern 112-116 126 2220 1922 232 269 12 168 1234 629 51.0 1101 539 49.0 58.7
8. Ralph McCaskey PG Ohio Northern 106-109 128 2680 1881 211 537 1 241 1345 617 45.9 321 115 35.8 74.8
9. Roy Ohrnstein SG Ohio Northern 156-160 126 3063 1849 327 301 11 113 1224 603 49.3 800 368 46.0 73.7
10. James Johnson SG Ohio Northern 140-143 126 2815 1816 264 243 6 98 1280 589 46.0 1142 509 44.6 70.9
11. Scott Weiland SF Ohio Northern 129-132 127 2688 1803 260 238 16 104 1224 600 49.0 725 323 44.6 75.5
12. Ron Cormier PG Ohio Northern 100-103 128 2384 1763 220 458 2 226 1193 556 46.6 349 126 36.1 75.5
13. Chong Xue SG Ohio Northern 112-115 126 2245 1745 260 352 3 227 1220 567 46.5 901 375 41.6 66.5
14. Matthew Fay SG Ohio Northern 120-123 122 2481 1712 193 281 6 183 1141 580 50.8 100 46 46.0 74.2
15. Michael Barker SG Ohio Northern 102-105 130 2457 1702 206 239 2 228 1196 554 46.3 646 265 41.0 69.7
16. Daniel Alanis SG Ohio Northern 99-102 128 2201 1654 315 221 8 245 1114 540 48.5 359 131 36.5 81.0
17. Marko Zhang SG Ohio Northern 131-134 129 2770 1650 112 331 2 104 1181 551 46.7 772 339 43.9 70.4
18. Joseph Clark SG Ohio Northern 49-52 99 2155 1647 165 169 2 76 1232 547 44.4 964 412 42.7 73.4
19. David Taylor PG Ohio Northern 115-118 127 2161 1611 256 276 8 199 1104 564 51.1 32 6 18.8 72.9
20. Timothy Montgomery PG Ohio Northern 168-171 119 3048 1607 283 383 3 138 1018 501 49.2 757 359 47.4 82.0
21. Brandon Dunn PF Ohio Northern 159-162 124 3218 1566 892 97 113 98 1085 599 55.2 6 0 0.0 69.4
22. Terence Harris SG Ohio Northern 118-121 125 2086 1564 133 265 4 171 1026 499 48.6 906 422 46.6 68.2
23. Gary Otero PF Ohio Northern 126-129 129 3067 1554 1004 108 116 114 1052 597 56.7 7 0 0.0 64.1
24. Keith Warfield SG Ohio Northern 148-152 124 2831 1520 184 326 0 131 1012 483 47.7 913 425 46.5 69.4
25. Jimmie Smith PG Ohio Northern 136-139 125 3162 1518 361 526 4 185 956 511 53.5 23 6 26.1 72.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%