Record: 13-10 Conference: NESCAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 162 SOS: 199
Division III - Medford, MA
Homecourt: D
Home: 6-7 Away: 7-3
AVG 519
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Frank Graves PG Tufts 36-39 127 3035 2207 155 415 1 141 1427 709 49.7 827 392 47.4 84.5
2. Elroy Tyler SF Tufts 131-134 120 2478 2057 280 189 14 183 1496 693 46.3 733 292 39.8 74.8
3. Jeffery Shelby PG Tufts 39-43 126 2717 2002 237 299 2 159 1373 642 46.8 699 298 42.6 74.7
4. Edwin Hill PG Tufts 40-44 127 2541 1910 181 459 2 163 1308 648 49.5 427 196 45.9 71.0
5. Cornelius Hartsfield SG Tufts 120-123 122 2515 1868 339 280 4 179 1341 634 47.3 685 269 39.3 70.1
6. Gregory Schiefelbein PG Tufts 123-126 122 2574 1716 153 495 1 229 1196 552 46.2 674 284 42.1 73.4
7. John Shepherd SG Tufts 41-45 127 2440 1711 166 303 13 120 1140 549 48.2 927 434 46.8 67.3
8. Michael Belmont PF Tufts 29-32 131 2947 1671 491 124 42 107 1108 594 53.6 127 53 41.7 69.2
9. Harry Lawrence C Tufts 40-43 126 2578 1605 793 69 115 69 1131 629 55.6 3 1 33.3 61.8
10. William Salcido SG Tufts 24-27 132 2697 1601 253 160 32 141 1200 553 46.1 692 296 42.8 76.0
11. Michael Jones SG Tufts 125-128 124 2403 1531 296 262 5 165 1063 533 50.1 308 137 44.5 66.8
12. Norman Coleman SG Tufts 83-86 116 2933 1501 136 490 1 113 1055 497 47.1 687 320 46.6 71.4
13. Alex Hasan SF Tufts 10-13 118 2909 1455 510 206 81 134 1175 523 44.5 649 245 37.8 57.1
14. Tracey House SG Tufts 10-13 118 3226 1450 434 152 26 122 1236 512 41.4 740 255 34.5 73.1
15. Rodney Cook PG Tufts 46-49 122 2881 1403 148 383 3 126 910 435 47.8 549 247 45.0 71.9
16. James Deschamp SF Tufts 93-96 111 2834 1385 282 110 6 119 1086 489 45.0 349 112 32.1 68.8
17. Julius Kull SG Tufts 130-133 120 2425 1383 221 330 2 163 1011 444 43.9 648 250 38.6 74.7
18. Robert Kelley SG Tufts 82-85 113 3023 1353 136 401 0 124 1009 452 44.8 648 263 40.6 71.3
19. Jeffery Sievers SG Tufts 124-127 122 2244 1343 307 258 0 127 998 441 44.2 578 224 38.8 76.2
20. Albert Green PG Tufts 126-129 125 2471 1341 266 422 4 169 951 443 46.6 182 54 29.7 74.5
21. Samuel Parsons SF Tufts 32-36 106 2287 1336 571 47 56 94 787 464 59.0 3 0 0.0 81.0
22. Edward Watson SG Tufts 100-103 113 2683 1330 241 261 6 110 976 475 48.7 349 139 39.8 65.1
23. Gregory Tyler SG Tufts 24-27 132 2676 1327 184 291 6 127 1012 446 44.1 733 290 39.6 69.7
24. Robert Dean C Tufts 27-30 122 2776 1326 756 56 153 73 936 490 52.4 3 0 0.0 71.6
25. Aubrey Chamberland PG Tufts 115-118 118 2319 1322 258 383 7 113 987 463 46.9 256 83 32.4 71.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%