Record: 10-11 Conference: ASC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: B+ RPI: 79 SOS: 14
Division III - Sherman, TX
Homecourt: D
Home: 5-7 Away: 5-4
AVG 573
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Robert Munk SG Austin 188-191 122 4070 2283 325 306 6 146 1709 756 44.2 1105 462 41.8 73.4
2. Richard Coffman PG Austin 183-186 128 3732 2280 220 478 1 148 1628 750 46.1 1277 560 43.9 68.5
3. Michael Hines PG Austin 173-176 113 2940 1993 310 288 5 122 1604 630 39.3 1385 524 37.8 75.5
4. James Deloera PG Austin 49-52 122 2614 1882 139 261 1 116 1343 605 45.0 1211 522 43.1 74.6
5. Michael Eddy SG Austin 142-145 125 2687 1855 145 233 6 186 1389 592 42.6 1074 429 39.9 75.2
6. Kenneth Grant SG Austin 142-145 125 2506 1820 208 239 16 162 1275 576 45.2 963 415 43.1 80.8
7. Robert Lawson SG Austin 71-74 128 2744 1792 209 334 2 231 1290 593 46.0 813 340 41.8 69.8
8. Mo Johnson PG Austin 193-196 126 3536 1750 141 548 0 127 1321 585 44.3 789 309 39.2 71.5
9. Mario Washington SG Austin 191-194 128 2745 1727 139 322 5 109 1242 588 47.3 537 216 40.2 73.8
10. Mario Holliday PG Austin 193-197 114 2729 1619 210 328 0 106 1148 535 46.6 879 394 44.8 78.7
11. Michael Patterson SG Austin 42-45 117 2149 1600 87 120 7 78 1283 524 40.8 1167 466 39.9 71.1
12. Arthur Fulmer SG Austin 42-45 117 2827 1596 164 141 4 144 1147 509 44.4 1019 438 43.0 74.5
13. Ryan Clever PF Austin 182-186 128 3348 1574 1027 132 227 90 1183 598 50.5 4 0 0.0 75.8
14. Heriberto Marino C Austin 145-148 131 2374 1532 552 99 98 74 1013 574 56.7 1 0 0.0 71.1
15. Christopher Rogers C Austin 72-75 127 2488 1530 880 12 157 74 1069 568 53.1 2 0 0.0 75.8
16. Huang Xiong SG Austin 154-157 116 2163 1528 164 163 1 132 1109 503 45.4 855 365 42.7 72.7
17. Gordon Larmon SF Austin 120-123 118 2558 1505 510 177 39 107 1134 503 44.4 717 282 39.3 78.6
18. Clint Gordon PF Austin 114-117 120 2994 1504 804 162 115 92 1074 591 55.0 80 25 31.3 67.0
19. Randolph Gurley PG Austin 196-199 122 3187 1499 191 437 1 101 1107 480 43.4 934 382 40.9 79.7
20. Thomas Stanley PG Austin 58-62 123 2479 1496 147 335 1 196 961 500 52.0 133 42 31.6 71.3
21. William Williams SF Austin 177-180 119 2925 1492 295 378 16 91 1044 491 47.0 579 249 43.0 81.3
22. Ramon Rodriguez SF Austin 146-149 132 2959 1485 451 238 39 142 1030 508 49.3 409 184 45.0 66.7
23. Joseph Naugle PG Austin 176-179 120 3175 1480 134 553 6 136 997 473 47.4 535 223 41.7 77.4
24. Edward Scherr SF Austin 171-174 111 3321 1472 532 151 47 123 1201 531 44.2 470 161 34.3 64.2
25. Walter Kephart SG Austin 70-73 129 2347 1444 146 208 7 168 1115 482 43.2 484 169 34.9 71.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%