Record: 13-9 Conference: C.Atlantic Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 175 SOS: 274
Division II - Philadelphia, PA
Homecourt: C
Home: 8-3 Away: 5-6
AVG 585
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Gregory Thomas PG Philadelphia 150-153 126 2169 1561 147 384 4 177 1015 514 50.6 6 0 0.0 79.7
2. George Hine SG Philadelphia 147-150 119 2207 1449 139 347 3 152 969 469 48.4 840 388 46.2 68.7
3. Christopher Drayton PG Philadelphia 90-93 119 2191 1391 136 192 1 147 987 452 45.8 729 322 44.2 72.7
4. Gilberto Russo SG Philadelphia 86-89 112 2453 1366 132 176 4 183 1002 443 44.2 680 280 41.2 74.3
5. Damian Eldridge SG Philadelphia 95-98 121 2282 1333 187 271 3 147 919 430 46.8 545 219 40.2 71.1
6. Abram Baker PG Philadelphia 32-35 111 2732 1332 160 351 5 168 903 434 48.1 430 182 42.3 68.9
7. Edward Heller C Philadelphia 151-154 126 2677 1265 945 104 105 106 888 486 54.7 5 0 0.0 61.4
8. Al Markland PG Philadelphia 147-150 119 2092 1264 146 388 2 158 895 409 45.7 319 123 38.6 77.8
9. Jacob Verdin SF Philadelphia 3-6 108 3225 1252 467 96 46 128 1272 458 36.0 590 184 31.2 50.8
10. Matthew Prill PG Philadelphia 166-170 115 2507 1248 169 410 3 200 908 394 43.4 388 143 36.9 74.1
11. William Haubert PG Philadelphia 9-13 110 2903 1233 323 438 9 178 1057 448 42.4 190 57 30.0 82.6
12. Michael Speidel SG Philadelphia 96-99 118 2029 1229 263 118 14 106 1032 402 39.0 629 207 32.9 74.7
13. Edward Harter SG Philadelphia 94-97 121 2214 1205 133 254 2 136 814 395 48.5 418 178 42.6 68.5
14. Edmund Broxton PG Philadelphia 110-113 120 2340 1203 231 466 2 169 811 406 50.1 246 110 44.7 68.0
15. James Mariscal PG Philadelphia 148-151 125 1975 1202 142 366 2 145 797 379 47.6 466 201 43.1 72.8
16. Raymond Durham SF Philadelphia 185-189 111 2322 1192 374 138 19 124 987 417 42.2 449 156 34.7 65.2
17. Andrew Coleman PF Philadelphia 151-154 126 2551 1187 860 100 120 75 839 442 52.7 2 0 0.0 71.3
18. Joshua Smith PG Philadelphia 124-127 116 2153 1181 151 388 1 152 818 389 47.6 375 158 42.1 70.4
19. Henry Charron PG Philadelphia 155-158 119 2277 1175 139 340 3 178 822 380 46.2 526 230 43.7 65.4
20. William Clontz SG Philadelphia 143-146 115 2235 1158 335 255 0 146 817 378 46.3 622 266 42.8 73.9
21. Jonathan Vargo PG Philadelphia 116-119 118 2043 1157 117 196 2 166 784 382 48.7 483 203 42.0 73.4
22. Bryan Schultz PG Philadelphia 128-131 112 2067 1154 176 263 0 181 784 367 46.8 355 143 40.3 81.2
23. Louis Williams PG Philadelphia 120-123 114 2095 1154 102 459 0 148 803 376 46.8 427 189 44.3 73.7
24. Kenneth Gambino SG Philadelphia 182-185 110 2391 1149 138 203 0 122 885 376 42.5 500 192 38.4 74.8
25. Howard Ginder SG Philadelphia 153-156 124 2268 1125 220 218 5 151 768 371 48.3 270 102 37.8 76.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%