Record: 15-8 Conference: C.Atlantic Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 81 SOS: 116
Division II - Wilmington, DE
Homecourt: C
Home: 11-3 Away: 4-5
AVG 575
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Earl Graham SG Goldey-Beacom 86-89 115 2451 1396 164 303 2 192 1013 456 45.0 493 186 37.7 75.6
2. Ruben Howard PG Goldey-Beacom 90-93 111 2990 1321 146 425 5 149 981 430 43.8 523 187 35.8 71.7
3. Dominick Marden SG Goldey-Beacom 120-123 115 2333 1290 210 233 2 143 960 445 46.4 535 227 42.4 62.2
4. John Nesmith SG Goldey-Beacom 31-34 112 2500 1290 142 177 2 89 960 443 46.1 597 248 41.5 69.0
5. Aurelio Russo SF Goldey-Beacom 50-53 111 2456 1283 349 115 14 110 984 432 43.9 374 121 32.4 72.5
6. Shaun Fenley SF Goldey-Beacom 85-88 113 2926 1278 372 182 18 138 1007 461 45.8 336 123 36.6 63.8
7. Frank Joyner SG Goldey-Beacom 77-80 112 2475 1267 206 178 1 180 1017 431 42.4 690 269 39.0 60.2
8. James Godoy SG Goldey-Beacom 14-17 126 2258 1263 118 127 7 149 884 420 47.5 678 300 44.2 54.7
9. Mike Plante SG Goldey-Beacom 13-17 126 2099 1262 208 145 16 147 855 415 48.5 379 172 45.4 85.8
10. David Boyd SG Goldey-Beacom 136-139 120 2436 1258 277 221 2 155 898 416 46.3 264 92 34.8 75.9
11. William Bellamy PG Goldey-Beacom 81-84 116 2323 1243 125 361 1 163 897 407 45.4 436 165 37.8 75.2
12. Nathan Morris SG Goldey-Beacom 35-39 112 2500 1225 138 201 2 111 916 388 42.4 700 281 40.1 74.3
13. Craig Lewis PG Goldey-Beacom 98-101 112 2520 1223 129 338 0 140 908 407 44.8 469 179 38.2 70.3
14. Richard Sinnott SG Goldey-Beacom 97-100 110 2593 1180 247 268 2 105 922 400 43.4 477 179 37.5 74.2
15. Chris Walter SG Goldey-Beacom 126-129 116 2390 1178 209 236 4 160 912 401 44.0 510 197 38.6 68.1
16. John Brannigan SG Goldey-Beacom 148-151 112 2228 1164 152 148 2 109 872 400 45.9 452 184 40.7 70.9
17. Roy Battles SF Goldey-Beacom 90-93 111 2860 1161 524 226 39 112 935 409 43.7 350 113 32.3 67.3
18. Roger Hall PF Goldey-Beacom 2-6 119 2550 1158 692 17 87 105 800 393 49.1 47 9 19.1 81.4
19. James Drummond PG Goldey-Beacom 93-97 109 2793 1153 141 287 1 110 897 367 40.9 416 137 32.9 76.4
20. Wayne Nelson SG Goldey-Beacom 64-67 111 2187 1152 236 178 2 111 845 378 44.7 628 265 42.2 76.2
21. Juan Martin PG Goldey-Beacom 66-69 110 2276 1142 111 228 1 149 834 374 44.8 481 201 41.8 75.4
22. Mark Ingram PG Goldey-Beacom 6-10 123 2611 1132 139 487 1 169 804 381 47.4 533 220 41.3 72.1
23. John Redford C Goldey-Beacom 186-189 115 2603 1119 663 25 69 70 834 395 47.4 218 62 28.4 72.2
24. John Valentin PG Goldey-Beacom 25-29 113 2564 1116 206 308 6 109 861 358 41.6 596 225 37.8 78.1
25. William Petersen PG Goldey-Beacom 128-131 117 2196 1115 78 368 0 162 802 395 49.3 387 165 42.6 68.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%