Record: 15-8 Conference: WVIAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 98 SOS: 143
Division II - Bluefield, WV
Homecourt: C
Home: 9-5 Away: 6-3
AVG 581
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Daniel Trojan SG Bluefield St. 82-85 114 3232 1530 327 241 5 128 1079 511 47.4 517 207 40.0 74.0
2. David Stevens SG Bluefield St. 41-44 117 3005 1289 335 182 5 127 966 418 43.3 535 180 33.6 78.4
3. Larry Williams SG Bluefield St. 108-111 121 2892 1287 222 358 3 238 842 414 49.2 544 244 44.9 70.5
4. Timothy Murdock PG Bluefield St. 190-193 112 2414 1284 294 367 2 190 832 419 50.4 121 33 27.3 71.1
5. Alvin Mutter SF Bluefield St. 40-43 115 3095 1256 505 109 29 102 972 411 42.3 431 144 33.4 80.6
6. James Massey PF Bluefield St. 68-71 113 3184 1232 880 92 113 78 921 462 50.2 146 47 32.2 71.1
7. John Andersen PG Bluefield St. 52-55 121 2629 1211 141 376 6 98 844 396 46.9 348 138 39.7 79.6
8. Daniel Hammett SF Bluefield St. 77-80 101 2094 1210 182 110 17 58 837 437 52.2 305 129 42.3 67.9
9. Donald Frazier PF Bluefield St. 53-56 121 2723 1204 863 48 158 81 880 472 53.6 32 6 18.8 64.8
10. Robert Horton SG Bluefield St. 106-109 121 2391 1200 184 319 1 162 831 393 47.3 405 173 42.7 70.3
11. Jason Locher PG Bluefield St. 42-45 116 3302 1174 144 327 2 125 897 388 43.3 377 137 36.3 75.9
12. Francis Butler SG Bluefield St. 65-68 118 2464 1173 196 174 5 81 831 397 47.8 461 199 43.2 62.5
13. Joe Hunt SG Bluefield St. 62-65 117 2397 1161 251 228 4 96 904 409 45.2 217 74 34.1 68.1
14. Chester Collins PG Bluefield St. 60-63 102 2279 1157 224 168 1 102 864 383 44.3 391 145 37.1 72.4
15. Norman Herring SG Bluefield St. 8-11 115 2089 1154 199 240 4 118 751 372 49.5 538 247 45.9 69.4
16. Steven Podbielski PG Bluefield St. 75-78 109 2883 1148 184 499 1 107 864 366 42.4 569 218 38.3 78.3
17. Robert Soo PG Bluefield St. 104-107 119 2245 1141 94 366 0 182 783 365 46.6 412 167 40.5 73.5
18. Carlos Butterworth PG Bluefield St. 96-99 110 2911 1136 179 351 1 129 858 376 43.8 498 189 38.0 69.6
19. Michael Corey SG Bluefield St. 129-132 114 2417 1113 188 297 2 159 789 373 47.3 376 146 38.8 72.0
20. John Beard SG Bluefield St. 90-93 111 2724 1109 206 147 2 99 894 365 40.8 538 193 35.9 76.5
21. Michael Seal PG Bluefield St. 57-60 120 2499 1103 175 388 2 85 809 353 43.6 288 93 32.3 76.6
22. Jerome Keller PG Bluefield St. 50-53 119 2324 1091 99 306 2 81 890 368 41.3 420 151 36.0 71.8
23. James Legere SG Bluefield St. 185-188 112 2365 1090 270 254 2 167 792 366 46.2 368 137 37.2 68.4
24. Archie Kuhn SF Bluefield St. 188-191 114 2603 1082 339 224 13 134 809 370 45.7 277 83 30.0 74.9
25. David Smail PG Bluefield St. 37-41 118 3484 1081 238 476 6 132 840 350 41.7 317 97 30.6 71.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%