Record: 5-18 Conference: Peach Belt Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C+ RPI: 248 SOS: 169
Division II - Savannah, GA
Homecourt: D+
Home: 3-10 Away: 2-8
AVG 562
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Massey PG Ga Southern - Armstrong 97-101 120 2935 1799 135 301 3 159 1292 583 45.1 891 376 42.2 77.6
2. Maurice Colorado PF Ga Southern - Armstrong 94-98 120 3069 1714 802 114 98 113 1234 639 51.8 19 4 21.1 68.9
3. Nicholas Carovski SF Ga Southern - Armstrong 66-69 113 2591 1480 466 160 34 141 1074 519 48.3 318 117 36.8 79.5
4. Timothy Hoelscher SF Ga Southern - Armstrong 5-8 110 2722 1325 421 135 34 93 1103 474 43.0 563 196 34.8 73.9
5. Dwight Maes SF Ga Southern - Armstrong 195-198 113 2540 1283 329 161 22 96 871 411 47.2 415 167 40.2 76.8
6. Thomas Lundy PG Ga Southern - Armstrong 193-196 112 2894 1278 186 337 2 131 897 402 44.8 383 139 36.3 73.0
7. Albert Block C Ga Southern - Armstrong 94-98 120 2660 1238 753 106 119 76 959 473 49.3 3 0 0.0 68.4
8. Dennis Bober PG Ga Southern - Armstrong 94-97 117 2828 1226 162 383 6 152 963 431 44.8 206 63 30.6 68.3
9. Stewart Snider SG Ga Southern - Armstrong 156-159 113 2655 1216 243 282 1 100 904 418 46.2 475 186 39.2 66.2
10. Colin Garceau PG Ga Southern - Armstrong 80-84 114 2358 1200 189 323 0 168 895 396 44.2 549 224 40.8 71.6
11. Gregory Stalling PG Ga Southern - Armstrong 112-115 117 2785 1194 181 474 1 144 857 390 45.5 393 158 40.2 71.1
12. John Foster SG Ga Southern - Armstrong 179-182 112 2874 1189 251 308 2 92 868 396 45.6 669 295 44.1 66.7
13. Steven Hough PF Ga Southern - Armstrong 99-103 118 2397 1183 817 34 129 73 830 441 53.1 7 0 0.0 71.2
14. George Sitton C Ga Southern - Armstrong 99-103 118 2725 1177 839 45 103 68 953 446 46.8 97 18 18.6 69.0
15. Harry Barnett PF Ga Southern - Armstrong 103-106 118 2796 1169 733 106 131 84 877 440 50.2 250 88 35.2 65.5
16. David Stringer PF Ga Southern - Armstrong 183-186 112 2669 1144 607 107 76 92 806 434 53.8 134 43 32.1 69.1
17. Allen Mace SG Ga Southern - Armstrong 94-97 117 2613 1142 136 211 1 160 925 380 41.1 484 178 36.8 70.6
18. Joel Leonard SG Ga Southern - Armstrong 171-174 114 2845 1141 252 206 2 115 877 387 44.1 368 130 35.3 77.2
19. Eddie Simpson SG Ga Southern - Armstrong 118-121 111 2592 1139 305 249 3 115 831 369 44.4 551 234 42.5 74.2
20. Peter Bennett PG Ga Southern - Armstrong 107-110 101 2340 1139 156 424 1 107 785 387 49.3 380 164 43.2 73.6
21. Thomas Moreira SG Ga Southern - Armstrong 148-151 109 2607 1137 295 193 4 114 858 377 43.9 434 147 33.9 74.9
22. Charles Henderson SG Ga Southern - Armstrong 109-112 111 2371 1133 254 188 4 80 869 383 44.1 487 194 39.8 68.7
23. Kristopher Griffin SF Ga Southern - Armstrong 54-57 112 2542 1131 508 161 30 158 856 399 46.6 400 151 37.8 62.5
24. Mitchell Magalski SG Ga Southern - Armstrong 134-137 108 2412 1124 188 260 2 90 798 372 46.6 386 157 40.7 72.4
25. Richard Bowman SF Ga Southern - Armstrong 128-131 113 2852 1117 359 176 16 114 867 374 43.1 361 113 31.3 70.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%