Record: 12-12 Conference: Big 10 Coach: postmike2020 Prestige: B- RPI: 48 SOS: 10
Division I - Evanston, IL
Homecourt: B-
Home: 6-5 Away: 6-7
AVG 730
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Robert Boles SG Northwestern 125-128 109 2732 1841 273 221 4 107 1445 619 42.8 763 294 38.5 73.6
2. Eddie Borst PG Northwestern 36-39 114 3190 1766 228 273 1 124 1423 584 41.0 743 277 37.3 80.7
3. Nathan Carter SG Northwestern 183-187 111 2444 1728 234 319 6 153 1307 579 44.3 637 243 38.1 73.6
4. John Christensen SG Northwestern 66-70 116 3372 1672 301 298 6 104 1284 571 44.5 874 354 40.5 68.0
5. Douglas Kennedy SG Northwestern 23-27 120 3019 1625 321 273 34 141 1133 546 48.2 673 297 44.1 75.6
6. William Gwin PF Northwestern 176-179 117 2789 1500 575 92 88 96 1191 565 47.4 209 57 27.3 63.6
7. Rob Hoose PG Northwestern 190-193 120 2500 1449 157 296 0 165 1045 462 44.2 534 208 39.0 82.1
8. Carlton Tillman PG Northwestern 190-193 120 2484 1421 373 222 24 157 995 492 49.4 56 9 16.1 76.0
9. Ronald Tyndall PF Northwestern 38-41 115 2700 1388 720 64 126 65 1105 547 49.5 2 0 0.0 68.2
10. Earl Morgan PG Northwestern 180-183 115 2252 1365 147 336 2 158 1094 467 42.7 480 174 36.3 71.0
11. Raymond Reed SG Northwestern 147-150 117 2491 1346 181 191 3 146 1036 454 43.8 539 201 37.3 65.3
12. Justin Bruening PF Northwestern 1-4 119 2562 1337 816 47 144 140 896 500 55.8 0 0 0.0 64.4
13. Leland Mason PG Northwestern 72-75 106 2685 1335 145 276 1 90 973 444 45.6 498 198 39.8 79.0
14. Gerald Foster PG Northwestern 170-173 110 2092 1302 118 170 2 128 1088 433 39.8 687 251 36.5 72.0
15. Douglas Wade PF Northwestern 145-148 114 2621 1297 577 37 51 64 1069 487 45.6 2 0 0.0 69.0
16. Steve Howard SG Northwestern 90-93 112 2876 1281 254 163 3 83 1007 430 42.7 599 226 37.7 73.0
17. Ronald Hill C Northwestern 184-187 111 2548 1280 664 96 99 87 1058 503 47.5 147 39 26.5 63.9
18. Thomas Trader PG Northwestern 127-130 109 2674 1269 176 374 0 123 1037 430 41.5 532 189 35.5 67.9
19. Eddie Gamble PG Northwestern 40-43 115 2808 1260 245 358 2 105 929 423 45.5 389 159 40.9 83.1
20. Don Coleman SG Northwestern 145-148 114 3037 1254 199 128 7 151 1107 427 38.6 358 103 28.8 69.6
21. Willis Wallace PG Northwestern 114-117 108 2553 1233 173 281 0 181 1007 417 41.4 450 136 30.2 78.0
22. Jerry Webster SF Northwestern 179-182 117 2546 1231 760 110 122 103 865 441 51.0 176 45 25.6 77.9
23. Charles Dunn PG Northwestern 136-139 110 2326 1229 131 299 1 161 885 407 46.0 544 213 39.2 73.7
24. Lewis Simmons SF Northwestern 1-5 119 2608 1227 417 131 13 125 973 430 44.2 499 171 34.3 64.1
25. Raymond Godbolt SG Northwestern 34-37 110 2416 1224 183 132 2 84 1087 413 38.0 793 282 35.6 73.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%