Record: 19-6 Conference: A10 Coach: goodtymes31 Prestige: C+ RPI: 65 SOS: 138
Division I - Charlotte, NC
Homecourt: A+
Home: 9-4 Away: 10-2
AVG 653
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Jerry Marlow SF Charlotte 38-41 120 3193 1501 548 203 33 116 960 511 53.2 123 44 35.8 73.5
2. Daniel Ziebold SG Charlotte 35-38 120 2905 1498 380 451 0 122 1088 515 47.3 274 91 33.2 71.8
3. Andrew Lis PG Charlotte 197- 110 2980 1496 190 296 2 104 1063 490 46.1 738 315 42.7 75.3
4. Gary Hartley PG Charlotte 29-33 120 2719 1467 197 299 3 166 917 459 50.1 247 92 37.2 79.2
5. Wilfred Whitesell PG Charlotte 175-179 116 2425 1430 265 347 0 103 1000 471 47.1 644 287 44.6 75.8
6. Eric Gillenwater SF Charlotte 117-120 112 2914 1428 462 229 34 142 1033 522 50.5 183 48 26.2 70.4
7. Eric Hammons SF Charlotte 67-70 116 2885 1420 410 155 50 79 1075 512 47.6 323 115 35.6 67.2
8. Ryan Fowler SG Charlotte 131-134 110 2782 1395 221 233 1 129 1031 459 44.5 573 224 39.1 75.5
9. Allen Bishop PG Charlotte 103-106 115 2118 1391 225 314 3 103 902 454 50.3 428 190 44.4 75.7
10. Tony Sandridge PG Charlotte 184-188 108 2418 1389 131 381 3 115 941 442 47.0 623 274 44.0 75.5
11. Henry Carr SG Charlotte 193-196 113 2855 1387 311 210 11 79 1022 432 42.3 847 357 42.1 76.5
12. William Palmer SG Charlotte 31-34 120 2657 1376 170 326 5 116 937 457 48.8 329 130 39.5 70.6
13. Christopher Rush SF Charlotte 30-34 120 2351 1375 444 162 34 86 911 471 51.7 243 105 43.2 80.0
14. David Pritchett SF Charlotte 1-4 111 2923 1375 524 152 52 118 1114 472 42.4 605 201 33.2 64.2
15. David Prather PG Charlotte 103-106 115 2510 1369 267 398 1 137 951 453 47.6 488 212 43.4 63.5
16. John White PG Charlotte 171-174 114 3034 1357 154 382 3 115 929 426 45.9 587 251 42.8 79.6
17. Efrain Stonebraker SG Charlotte 139-142 111 2764 1357 161 271 2 108 1041 482 46.3 440 166 37.7 70.3
18. Harold Jacobs SF Charlotte 70-73 121 2681 1351 526 150 44 84 967 493 51.0 179 78 43.6 70.9
19. Mario Ortiz PG Charlotte 33-36 119 2680 1338 180 440 2 125 843 422 50.1 473 228 48.2 77.8
20. Lee Abrahamson SG Charlotte 180-184 113 2640 1330 292 163 9 95 929 422 45.4 422 166 39.3 74.6
21. Robert Pierce PG Charlotte 34-38 120 2149 1324 168 276 3 84 940 420 44.7 637 270 42.4 75.4
22. Jonny Schweikert PG Charlotte 166-170 109 2656 1316 214 425 3 148 982 433 44.1 542 218 40.2 72.0
23. David Cabana PG Charlotte 139-143 111 2542 1309 131 410 2 98 914 430 47.0 474 202 42.6 77.9
24. Randall Corbin SG Charlotte 176-179 116 2887 1302 381 225 43 102 989 439 44.4 474 176 37.1 74.0
25. George Stechlinski SG Charlotte 57-60 116 2663 1301 230 142 14 103 961 426 44.3 485 190 39.2 76.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%