Record: 2-8 Conference: Penn. Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 370 SOS: 356
Division III - Glenside, PA
Homecourt: D
Home: 1-4 Away: 1-4
AVG 492
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Kenneth Davidson SG Arcadia 41-44 115 3333 1498 313 302 26 157 1149 494 43.0 733 280 38.2 86.5
2. William Harbison SG Arcadia 172-175 112 2830 1489 249 310 1 104 1083 528 48.8 573 255 44.5 66.9
3. Michael Durbin PF Arcadia 7-10 113 3111 1464 935 79 160 47 1142 520 45.5 64 10 15.6 72.0
4. Michael Brown SG Arcadia 208-211 114 3040 1429 262 325 2 137 1007 488 48.5 603 270 44.8 65.1
5. Daryl Williams SF Arcadia 12-15 111 2950 1419 343 84 54 48 1011 448 44.3 631 277 43.9 68.0
6. Joe Cherry C Arcadia 3-6 109 3023 1413 1098 41 192 80 1013 497 49.1 10 2 20.0 77.9
7. Paul Diehl PF Arcadia 33-36 112 3176 1404 834 82 158 45 1265 565 44.7 1 0 0.0 64.9
8. Isaac Bonner SG Arcadia 57-60 114 3235 1371 241 294 4 111 1005 434 43.2 753 309 41.0 78.5
9. Jeremy Boltz SG Arcadia 120-123 112 2792 1371 258 354 3 105 973 456 46.9 579 248 42.8 72.8
10. Derrick Murphy PG Arcadia 130-133 113 2870 1369 98 503 2 98 948 460 48.5 471 215 45.6 81.3
11. Phillip Hammond SG Arcadia 176-179 109 2544 1354 132 253 0 122 983 480 48.8 389 161 41.4 64.0
12. Thomas Senior SG Arcadia 192-195 113 2661 1326 202 298 2 102 950 475 50.0 434 186 42.9 68.6
13. Anthony Justice SG Arcadia 188-191 114 2887 1318 241 281 4 98 1028 466 45.3 575 220 38.3 61.9
14. David Lacey SF Arcadia 124-127 112 2559 1283 325 87 20 106 920 439 47.7 240 81 33.8 73.6
15. Ryan Pratt PG Arcadia 65-68 114 3391 1276 151 492 0 132 1005 424 42.2 584 225 38.5 70.2
16. Jon Dean SG Arcadia 48-51 112 2627 1271 90 302 3 71 877 411 46.9 702 316 45.0 70.4
17. Michael Podwoski PG Arcadia 88-91 112 2785 1259 147 394 3 139 822 378 46.0 567 246 43.4 81.6
18. Jerry Buendia PF Arcadia 37-40 110 3143 1254 822 74 166 89 1123 482 42.9 1 0 0.0 67.0
19. Dan Gaines SG Arcadia 200-203 112 2226 1254 214 141 10 90 891 427 47.9 498 215 43.2 65.1
20. Ronny Lehto SG Arcadia 196-199 111 2590 1251 258 347 4 74 901 433 48.1 537 235 43.8 71.8
21. William Griffen SG Arcadia 184-187 112 2910 1251 247 318 2 115 896 410 45.8 617 259 42.0 77.1
22. Mario House SG Arcadia 6-9 110 3365 1248 118 409 1 77 1009 397 39.3 733 257 35.1 63.3
23. Alexander Neal SG Arcadia 180-183 111 2643 1229 154 188 2 83 1009 443 43.9 471 181 38.4 57.2
24. Stephen Wilkins SG Arcadia 30-33 112 2902 1229 257 278 28 117 950 392 41.3 730 267 36.6 81.7
25. Johnny Zabaneh SG Arcadia 85-88 113 2751 1228 131 302 3 82 934 409 43.8 535 218 40.7 75.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%