Record: 8-2 Conference: Empire 8 Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 83 SOS: 266
Division III - Buffalo, NY
Homecourt: D+
Home: 5-0 Away: 3-2
AVG 524
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Jessie Grove SG Medaille 90-93 114 2370 1563 168 203 2 94 1040 496 47.7 832 379 45.6 73.3
2. Ben Desousa SF Medaille 8-11 108 3041 1463 370 143 4 64 1052 476 45.2 626 264 42.2 74.0
3. James Paterson SG Medaille 57-60 103 2297 1385 223 156 3 89 933 454 48.7 733 340 46.4 67.5
4. Eugene Newsome SF Medaille 35-38 111 2967 1379 325 179 42 102 1139 482 42.3 668 241 36.1 76.0
5. Jody Foulks SG Medaille 27-30 111 2758 1372 244 242 0 100 1030 439 42.6 693 276 39.8 83.5
6. Alan Gold PG Medaille 108-111 110 2688 1358 108 288 4 87 914 443 48.5 662 309 46.7 70.0
7. Gary Strub PG Medaille 199-202 110 2678 1347 276 326 2 143 917 449 49.0 377 159 42.2 75.5
8. Nicholas Elliott PG Medaille 143-146 111 2775 1345 227 321 2 122 960 443 46.1 490 198 40.4 76.3
9. Jim Sullivan SG Medaille 70-73 111 2934 1336 245 280 3 104 996 439 44.1 573 232 40.5 79.6
10. Howard Allen C Medaille 100-103 118 2281 1336 719 39 87 53 1023 513 50.1 27 5 18.5 73.3
11. Steven Carson SG Medaille 189-192 111 2891 1310 166 266 1 123 934 435 46.6 526 230 43.7 73.4
12. Ronald Jackson SF Medaille 13-16 113 2949 1304 350 127 36 111 997 445 44.6 415 152 36.6 69.9
13. Aaron Cozad SG Medaille 17-20 113 3044 1288 138 257 2 84 964 421 43.7 741 308 41.6 56.8
14. Edward Moore SG Medaille 149-152 110 2834 1278 342 227 6 129 950 436 45.9 389 140 36.0 71.9
15. Darrell Koch SF Medaille 83-86 111 3029 1272 556 223 42 104 877 475 54.2 35 2 5.7 72.2
16. Patrick Davis SG Medaille 13-16 113 2958 1243 234 250 32 83 937 385 41.1 759 301 39.7 75.4
17. John Hayes SG Medaille 6-9 110 3257 1237 46 354 1 134 997 429 43.0 511 185 36.2 68.3
18. Timothy Howard SF Medaille 123-126 114 2536 1234 374 195 34 92 909 430 47.3 302 107 35.4 72.8
19. Don Wootton SG Medaille 193-196 112 2588 1218 195 206 2 95 912 422 46.3 563 243 43.2 64.9
20. Irving Andersen SG Medaille 66-69 109 2519 1214 239 166 3 101 865 399 46.1 635 277 43.6 65.0
21. Kevin Floyd SG Medaille 78-81 112 2952 1208 275 239 4 118 941 408 43.4 612 236 38.6 70.9
22. Gary Gong C Medaille 96-99 122 2727 1202 939 18 166 74 814 447 54.9 1 0 0.0 72.0
23. Vincent Ness SG Medaille 61-64 112 2766 1202 219 240 3 96 922 397 43.1 723 294 40.7 79.2
24. David Hunt SF Medaille 153-156 117 2765 1200 301 176 27 104 904 423 46.8 192 45 23.4 74.3
25. Ron Townsend SG Medaille 197-200 110 2632 1197 146 253 0 109 908 412 45.4 385 147 38.2 73.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%