Record: 6-4 Conference: C.Atlantic Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 133 SOS: 168
Division II - Bloomfield, NJ
Homecourt: C-
Home: 4-2 Away: 2-2
AVG 578
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. John Robinson PF Bloomfield 64-68 121 2699 1789 688 53 68 89 1263 667 52.8 2 0 0.0 74.7
2. James Husband SG Bloomfield 61-64 118 2526 1760 237 159 6 182 1330 584 43.9 826 314 38.0 75.5
3. Frederick Encinas C Bloomfield 6-9 125 3341 1586 1109 25 166 59 1009 537 53.2 0 0 0.0 73.0
4. Charles Kelly SF Bloomfield 7-11 131 3192 1565 428 167 34 119 1035 498 48.1 499 232 46.5 76.6
5. John Carroll PF Bloomfield 14-17 117 2766 1494 962 41 172 89 1024 523 51.1 0 0 0.0 72.0
6. Norman Myers SG Bloomfield 86-89 118 2611 1442 247 224 4 112 1002 480 47.9 568 247 43.5 68.7
7. Jeffrey Moore SG Bloomfield 141-144 118 2890 1417 285 358 6 131 945 480 50.8 392 156 39.8 70.2
8. Richard Hale SF Bloomfield 79-82 117 2673 1392 452 150 42 86 1109 518 46.7 239 62 25.9 70.5
9. Jerome Smith SF Bloomfield 73-76 136 2698 1370 643 220 53 127 960 501 52.2 102 36 35.3 70.9
10. Justin Perry SG Bloomfield 121-124 109 2868 1366 438 202 6 133 970 454 46.8 519 213 41.0 74.9
11. Daniel Hull C Bloomfield 11-14 111 2479 1357 897 15 121 58 950 460 48.4 1 1 100.0 76.4
12. Paul Sullivan C Bloomfield 17-21 128 2649 1344 920 32 161 103 981 453 46.2 76 5 6.6 78.4
13. Thomas Gracey SG Bloomfield 73-77 137 2352 1333 195 261 1 161 897 430 47.9 759 343 45.2 71.4
14. Andrew Sheats PF Bloomfield 15-19 121 2555 1320 975 58 181 79 903 456 50.5 1 0 0.0 73.9
15. Michael Eggers PG Bloomfield 199-202 118 2748 1315 161 382 3 113 858 393 45.8 720 306 42.5 78.5
16. Christopher Davidson PG Bloomfield 151-154 114 2948 1265 158 459 5 135 839 404 48.2 563 246 43.7 78.7
17. Steven Schmidt SG Bloomfield 125-128 112 2586 1255 193 246 0 100 913 427 46.8 465 190 40.9 72.3
18. Kenneth Segura SG Bloomfield 137-140 112 3239 1241 184 257 3 127 972 431 44.3 303 87 28.7 67.4
19. Mike Teran SG Bloomfield 70-73 126 2166 1238 182 284 2 135 892 414 46.4 663 294 44.3 65.2
20. Grant Sobers C Bloomfield 7-11 122 2622 1237 851 86 147 69 769 413 53.7 0 0 0.0 82.5
21. Russell States PG Bloomfield 64-67 119 1991 1227 196 217 2 167 865 404 46.7 727 314 43.2 65.6
22. Jason Veazey PG Bloomfield 9-13 116 2852 1226 127 372 8 91 874 375 42.9 613 265 43.2 75.1
23. Gene Duke SG Bloomfield 78-81 117 2205 1200 139 207 6 78 839 407 48.5 605 287 47.4 65.6
24. Joseph Bolster PG Bloomfield 163-166 112 2497 1200 102 253 2 121 827 395 47.8 557 248 44.5 68.9
25. Manuel Austin SG Bloomfield 168-171 109 2585 1189 276 254 1 94 890 391 43.9 575 236 41.0 77.4
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%