Record: 3-7 Conference: N10 Coach: Sim AI Prestige: B RPI: 161 SOS: 54
Division II - Colchester, VT
Homecourt: C-
Home: 2-4 Away: 1-3
AVG 577
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Carl Stewart SG St. Michael's 117-121 115 2623 2405 173 109 2 93 1982 801 40.4 1081 394 36.4 73.6
2. John Juliano SG St. Michael's 115-119 114 2411 1914 210 212 9 101 1389 623 44.9 924 379 41.0 71.9
3. Paul Rupert SF St. Michael's 208-211 125 3118 1875 542 258 40 86 1287 675 52.4 28 4 14.3 74.3
4. David Weiler PG St. Michael's 90-94 117 2611 1711 130 419 2 170 1148 560 48.8 654 297 45.4 71.2
5. Robert Higdon C St. Michael's 116-120 124 3063 1609 1027 35 211 93 1211 591 48.8 15 1 6.7 76.8
6. William Pickrell PG St. Michael's 100-103 117 2628 1590 271 338 2 215 1190 539 45.3 134 32 23.9 76.6
7. Bennie Brannon SG St. Michael's 88-92 119 2004 1586 124 184 1 155 1066 537 50.4 257 98 38.1 73.9
8. Erik Meyer C St. Michael's 108-112 110 2988 1530 936 32 156 69 1117 585 52.4 4 0 0.0 61.7
9. Henry McCalment SG St. Michael's 62-66 118 2570 1503 221 309 6 111 1077 530 49.2 322 131 40.7 76.8
10. Jeremy Marte SG St. Michael's 113-117 127 3257 1461 242 332 6 114 1027 489 47.6 511 201 39.3 74.0
11. Steve Shaw SF St. Michael's 212-216 130 2514 1440 323 253 22 100 1027 470 45.8 705 301 42.7 78.7
12. Michael Schermerhorn SG St. Michael's 47-50 112 3127 1436 312 182 3 69 1231 527 42.8 610 230 37.7 62.6
13. Charles Sherman PF St. Michael's 1-3 97 2623 1432 821 47 72 105 1029 522 50.7 22 2 9.1 71.1
14. Lionel Hunter SG St. Michael's 79-82 118 2140 1430 242 203 5 151 973 479 49.2 294 126 42.9 73.3
15. George Burnett C St. Michael's 2-5 122 2721 1428 807 49 88 118 969 501 51.7 0 0 0.0 74.0
16. Carlos Tidwell SG St. Michael's 15-19 124 2938 1425 368 257 10 160 988 433 43.8 437 159 36.4 78.4
17. Christopher Christensen SF St. Michael's 34-37 124 2695 1422 536 135 22 108 993 498 50.2 421 193 45.8 69.6
18. Bill Doss SF St. Michael's 50-53 109 2717 1405 156 223 8 70 1081 483 44.7 680 276 40.6 69.4
19. Lyle Brownlow SG St. Michael's 114-118 127 2278 1399 167 353 0 90 981 474 48.3 534 233 43.6 70.3
20. Ron Kropf PG St. Michael's 143-147 113 2650 1391 211 399 5 132 912 448 49.1 607 274 45.1 78.4
21. Robert Parham C St. Michael's 18-21 122 2627 1387 812 94 151 71 960 470 49.0 2 0 0.0 80.8
22. Robert Porras SG St. Michael's 104-107 121 2585 1378 184 280 6 97 1011 484 47.9 452 198 43.8 64.2
23. Richard Porter SG St. Michael's 86-90 119 2200 1352 244 205 5 142 892 454 50.9 261 114 43.7 76.4
24. Philip Ricca SG St. Michael's 210-214 126 2131 1332 291 123 15 59 1018 472 46.4 444 172 38.7 65.7
25. Henry Palmer SG St. Michael's 190-193 121 2948 1328 218 281 3 123 889 438 49.3 329 129 39.2 74.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%