Record: 9-1 Conference: N10 Coach: Sim AI Prestige: B- RPI: 89 SOS: 262
Division II - Worcester, MA
Homecourt: C
Home: 5-0 Away: 4-1
AVG 568
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Bennett SG Assumption 82-86 125 2685 2533 373 171 9 207 1695 823 48.6 865 365 42.2 77.8
2. Kurt Denker SG Assumption 100-103 118 3125 1817 191 257 5 123 1360 603 44.3 945 407 43.1 67.3
3. John Saavedra PF Assumption 71-75 128 2412 1800 533 121 89 78 1300 694 53.4 21 5 23.8 65.0
4. Marvin Newlon SG Assumption 86-89 121 2550 1799 253 175 6 152 1283 616 48.0 218 65 29.8 73.6
5. Herbert Morgan PG Assumption 51-55 114 2688 1749 298 437 2 242 1235 555 44.9 452 149 33.0 78.4
6. Robert Gleason SG Assumption 88-92 119 2365 1701 223 356 1 199 1133 539 47.6 614 255 41.5 72.3
7. Andrew Sabol PG Assumption 80-83 126 2655 1659 166 566 2 201 1141 509 44.6 807 331 41.0 74.9
8. Matthew Davis PG Assumption 144-147 117 3013 1630 239 306 2 123 1241 531 42.8 936 381 40.7 66.5
9. Chris Bush PG Assumption 91-94 122 2141 1618 184 347 1 157 1046 502 48.0 892 405 45.4 79.5
10. Terry Christianson SF Assumption 68-72 124 2426 1613 466 182 43 162 1131 580 51.3 95 30 31.6 69.5
11. Jacob Westlake C Assumption 145-149 121 3099 1546 945 99 138 93 1124 580 51.6 3 0 0.0 72.3
12. Terrence Labat PG Assumption 76-79 124 2719 1529 269 323 7 213 1027 487 47.4 353 141 39.9 73.1
13. Anthony Staley SG Assumption 84-88 121 2202 1496 199 295 10 166 1022 478 46.8 619 260 42.0 70.2
14. Leo Mayville SF Assumption 165-169 117 2891 1489 565 84 52 103 1065 546 51.3 199 76 38.2 69.6
15. Gregory Lesage PG Assumption 94-97 123 2193 1461 157 443 1 157 1057 484 45.8 686 284 41.4 73.6
16. Elias Thacker PF Assumption 95-99 125 2326 1435 695 73 77 84 1040 540 51.9 4 0 0.0 66.7
17. Dale Tokarz PF Assumption 114-117 112 3273 1434 775 142 78 84 1132 549 48.5 319 99 31.0 67.9
18. Jason Barahona PG Assumption 76-79 124 2350 1423 169 291 1 227 968 466 48.1 251 108 43.0 72.7
19. Patrick Fischer SG Assumption 167-170 117 3091 1422 201 195 4 114 943 448 47.5 558 241 43.2 78.7
20. Ross Clark PG Assumption 80-83 126 2503 1416 198 293 13 206 1012 480 47.4 296 98 33.1 73.7
21. Terry Ovalle SF Assumption 146-150 116 2880 1406 593 228 47 106 1002 488 48.7 511 212 41.5 73.4
22. William Patterson SG Assumption 55-58 116 2366 1403 157 242 1 157 1036 456 44.0 768 316 41.1 74.2
23. Tim Jones SG Assumption 118-121 112 2671 1397 194 217 2 109 1030 466 45.2 581 231 39.8 70.7
24. Forrest Ewen PG Assumption 67-71 122 2107 1383 182 307 1 178 956 472 49.4 13 2 15.4 69.4
25. Justin Johnson SF Assumption 92-95 122 2347 1357 570 71 79 87 925 504 54.5 3 0 0.0 69.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%