Record: 3-7 Conference: MidAmerica Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 236 SOS: 227
Division II - Topeka, KS
Homecourt: C-
Home: 1-4 Away: 2-3
AVG 552
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Alvin Harding PG Washburn 75-79 120 2577 1847 137 264 3 196 1407 599 42.6 826 307 37.2 78.4
2. Tony Yopp PG Washburn 61-64 129 2496 1588 157 341 0 194 1165 511 43.9 589 219 37.2 78.7
3. Keith Duffey SG Washburn 59-62 123 2533 1534 240 334 1 179 1107 505 45.6 630 273 43.3 69.7
4. Albert Hankins PG Washburn 48-51 123 2481 1518 123 262 2 162 1118 500 44.7 681 261 38.3 76.3
5. Anthony Daughtrey PG Washburn 36-39 124 2750 1502 138 321 20 199 1172 567 48.4 219 90 41.1 65.6
6. Christopher Robbins SG Washburn 189-192 119 3045 1499 319 313 0 102 1058 523 49.4 548 248 45.3 66.3
7. John Mason C Washburn 43-47 123 2615 1484 774 84 132 120 1069 542 50.7 4 0 0.0 73.9
8. Norman Kuss SG Washburn 27-31 119 2581 1472 324 297 13 181 1077 514 47.7 578 245 42.4 69.8
9. Jeremiah McGeehan PG Washburn 65-69 121 2331 1447 113 423 6 198 1045 470 45.0 774 319 41.2 71.2
10. Roman Speicher PG Washburn 52-55 112 2443 1440 120 194 1 171 1152 458 39.8 1001 368 36.8 71.9
11. Phillip Lungwitz PG Washburn 55-58 116 2431 1435 105 368 4 145 1109 468 42.2 722 283 39.2 74.0
12. Lawrence Miller C Washburn 56-60 125 2847 1427 919 89 135 83 1064 553 52.0 2 0 0.0 71.2
13. Michael Turbacuski SF Washburn 4-7 111 2976 1420 495 134 24 80 1131 450 39.8 446 157 35.2 74.1
14. Travis Lachance SG Washburn 12-15 113 3622 1408 137 336 1 85 987 442 44.8 644 266 41.3 75.2
15. Thomas Gilder SG Washburn 61-64 128 2352 1406 236 164 10 149 1090 471 43.2 701 264 37.7 73.8
16. Louis Johnson SG Washburn 39-42 124 2762 1394 162 200 16 189 1046 471 45.0 772 292 37.8 64.3
17. Jason Marciano SG Washburn 71-74 116 2509 1376 162 220 14 161 1110 443 39.9 733 257 35.1 70.2
18. James Collins PG Washburn 36-39 124 2598 1369 262 290 28 230 1063 521 49.0 144 45 31.3 72.7
19. Charlie Kuhn PG Washburn 65-67 91 2066 1355 180 282 1 160 983 427 43.4 542 207 38.2 68.4
20. Henry Roby SF Washburn 14-18 114 3180 1349 540 217 34 55 1081 421 38.9 702 243 34.6 77.9
21. Edmund Cramer PG Washburn 56-59 118 2468 1342 155 345 5 178 1127 463 41.1 499 169 33.9 71.8
22. Kenneth Cornett PG Washburn 206-209 114 2563 1333 137 274 2 116 917 441 48.1 574 253 44.1 74.7
23. Glenn Crary PG Washburn 113-117 114 2375 1324 199 245 0 163 970 407 42.0 714 282 39.5 78.9
24. Kristopher Burrell PG Washburn 59-62 132 2362 1301 165 260 12 164 947 412 43.5 625 254 40.6 71.0
25. Jerry Jernigan SG Washburn 109-112 108 2497 1286 191 111 2 136 1084 435 40.1 652 227 34.8 71.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%