Record: 2-8 Conference: Lone Star Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 250 SOS: 229
Division II - Stephenville, TX
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-5 Away: 2-3
AVG 533
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Ronnie Walsh PG Tarleton St. 157-161 131 3225 2339 252 380 4 123 1576 763 48.4 1147 541 47.2 75.8
2. David Ziebol SG Tarleton St. 165-168 131 3660 2103 271 327 2 127 1621 693 42.8 1245 495 39.8 68.9
3. Ruben Depew PG Tarleton St. 183-186 122 2295 2088 76 319 1 137 1495 665 44.5 1263 550 43.5 71.2
4. Randolph Duff PG Tarleton St. 127-131 126 2729 2054 138 385 2 162 1448 672 46.4 1052 463 44.0 78.9
5. Christopher Elliott PG Tarleton St. 98-102 129 2748 1983 341 239 21 180 1373 656 47.8 721 306 42.4 78.5
6. Thomas West C Tarleton St. 19-22 115 3060 1881 1042 100 182 100 1367 634 46.4 0 0 0.0 79.3
7. Randy Alleyne SG Tarleton St. 156-160 127 3449 1871 564 340 45 157 1308 682 52.1 202 77 38.1 69.6
8. Max Scales PG Tarleton St. 67-70 117 2765 1817 203 254 4 147 1364 574 42.1 169 34 20.1 76.3
9. Michael Guy PF Tarleton St. 112-116 125 2517 1775 656 45 93 75 1359 670 49.3 164 62 37.8 67.6
10. Santos Valdez PG Tarleton St. 63-66 121 2911 1773 130 402 8 122 1275 566 44.4 715 289 40.4 79.1
11. Harley Bouchard C Tarleton St. 15-18 114 3405 1730 949 44 95 72 1230 614 49.9 2 0 0.0 77.0
12. Maurice Treadway SG Tarleton St. 103-106 127 2662 1715 199 271 6 182 1253 557 44.5 790 334 42.3 75.0
13. Antonio Diaz C Tarleton St. 23-26 111 3349 1714 1102 121 266 86 1408 621 44.1 0 0 0.0 71.3
14. Timothy Lavergne SG Tarleton St. 147-150 131 3083 1693 235 331 2 134 1179 551 46.7 870 378 43.4 68.1
15. Timothy Pearson PG Tarleton St. 160-164 135 3241 1684 222 327 6 137 1178 552 46.9 733 326 44.5 70.6
16. Samuel Sanmiguel SF Tarleton St. 142-146 127 3311 1679 378 236 28 107 1158 597 51.6 387 158 40.8 65.0
17. Carroll Riojas SG Tarleton St. 4-7 113 3873 1668 234 473 10 85 1193 534 44.8 813 332 40.8 70.3
18. Johnny Thoreson SG Tarleton St. 196-200 130 2702 1648 152 224 4 137 1135 523 46.1 704 315 44.7 78.2
19. Dane Gilden SG Tarleton St. 161-165 137 2789 1647 192 274 4 98 1163 522 44.9 972 430 44.2 72.4
20. Jimmy Smith PG Tarleton St. 137-141 121 2972 1623 257 378 3 126 1115 528 47.4 567 250 44.1 78.5
21. Rob Kean C Tarleton St. 155-159 122 3257 1622 796 60 117 102 1119 619 55.3 4 0 0.0 74.6
22. Joseph Williams SF Tarleton St. 187-190 122 2672 1614 548 153 58 118 1129 602 53.3 9 0 0.0 74.3
23. Joseph Scaife PF Tarleton St. 183-186 122 2600 1603 607 100 79 93 1165 612 52.5 2 0 0.0 69.9
24. Cheslav Zeitz PG Tarleton St. 106-109 128 2923 1581 220 499 1 205 1067 534 50.0 381 164 43.0 72.6
25. Rolando Bowman PG Tarleton St. 101-105 130 2513 1571 123 384 0 180 1107 542 49.0 26 7 26.9 74.5
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%