Record: 0-10 Conference: GLV Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C RPI: 244 SOS: 74
Division II - Rensselaer, IN
Homecourt: D+
Home: 0-4 Away: 0-6
AVG 537
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Jimmy Rosado SG St. Joseph's (IN) 50-54 125 3268 2118 191 334 2 130 1542 689 44.7 1093 453 41.4 73.8
2. Ronnie Pniewski C St. Joseph's (IN) 1-4 114 3001 1794 1000 76 148 110 1266 648 51.2 9 1 11.1 67.3
3. Michael Dibella C St. Joseph's (IN) 46-49 124 2436 1661 724 62 84 60 1260 649 51.5 3 0 0.0 69.4
4. James Darley SG St. Joseph's (IN) 69-73 114 2507 1548 102 189 0 126 1216 510 41.9 934 371 39.7 59.9
5. Gary Bodiford C St. Joseph's (IN) 115-118 115 3045 1521 880 14 143 59 1132 558 49.3 2 0 0.0 76.6
6. Clayton Stapleton PG St. Joseph's (IN) 50-53 121 2783 1518 131 265 2 101 1043 470 45.1 538 203 37.7 83.0
7. Steven Niemeyer SG St. Joseph's (IN) 110-113 116 2475 1512 194 259 1 142 1036 500 48.3 684 316 46.2 65.3
8. Joshua Downey PG St. Joseph's (IN) 104-108 119 2500 1476 174 251 0 195 1057 488 46.2 276 100 36.2 73.1
9. Paul Meli PF St. Joseph's (IN) 49-52 123 2000 1424 530 36 67 57 927 516 55.7 3 0 0.0 77.0
10. Richard Numbers PG St. Joseph's (IN) 94-98 134 2773 1407 176 368 2 189 943 457 48.5 360 147 40.8 74.4
11. Julian Burkett SG St. Joseph's (IN) 195-199 122 2022 1392 230 133 2 71 931 449 48.2 607 266 43.8 84.8
12. Mark Newby SG St. Joseph's (IN) 73-77 114 2506 1360 166 263 3 131 1011 465 46.0 206 67 32.5 69.1
13. John Guthrie C St. Joseph's (IN) 45-48 111 1801 1347 551 58 106 32 1042 544 52.2 1 0 0.0 60.0
14. Frederick Poling PF St. Joseph's (IN) 94-97 129 2813 1342 649 100 83 105 948 511 53.9 3 0 0.0 66.8
15. Ronald Prins PG St. Joseph's (IN) 4-8 113 2798 1321 151 406 7 59 908 373 41.1 711 268 37.7 90.0
16. Robert Hill C St. Joseph's (IN) 75-79 117 2720 1282 791 45 89 65 980 488 49.8 6 0 0.0 62.1
17. Walter Drummond SF St. Joseph's (IN) 3-6 112 2784 1271 395 135 36 59 876 385 43.9 584 225 38.5 78.6
18. Theodore Madrigal C St. Joseph's (IN) 12-15 111 2967 1248 1016 29 234 82 901 461 51.2 19 3 15.8 57.7
19. Thomas Monette SF St. Joseph's (IN) 6-9 115 2590 1225 345 163 34 84 854 373 43.7 458 181 39.5 79.0
20. Robert Rickett PG St. Joseph's (IN) 98-102 119 2646 1224 169 316 1 184 810 380 46.9 518 217 41.9 76.5
21. Ray Eberly PG St. Joseph's (IN) 196-199 122 3096 1223 235 284 2 140 931 406 43.6 380 143 37.6 67.3
22. Jason Zimmerman SG St. Joseph's (IN) 179-182 111 2914 1215 192 385 2 90 864 402 46.5 545 240 44.0 72.2
23. Donnell Fishman SG St. Joseph's (IN) 88-92 123 2900 1213 382 161 10 149 862 401 46.5 192 67 34.9 78.0
24. Brandon McCann C St. Joseph's (IN) 5-8 113 2634 1211 755 98 102 65 851 400 47.0 0 0 0.0 78.9
25. Joseph Usher PG St. Joseph's (IN) 85-89 118 2488 1203 150 334 3 191 791 360 45.5 1 0 0.0 84.3
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%