Record: 8-2 Conference: PAC 10 Coach: PopCulture Prestige: B- RPI: 14 SOS: 29
Division I - Pullman, WA
Homecourt: B+
Home: 2-1 Away: 6-1
AVG 688
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. John Belanger SG Washington State 51-54 133 3588 2405 577 300 30 164 1629 838 51.4 662 275 41.5 79.8
2. Charles Edwards SG Washington State 46-49 119 3253 2302 473 259 5 138 1722 813 47.2 1026 437 42.6 64.6
3. Jeff Medeiros PF Washington State 53-56 129 3722 2156 1010 217 153 123 1426 817 57.3 2 0 0.0 71.6
4. Jesse Padro PG Washington State 136-140 132 3332 1801 285 366 20 110 1288 640 49.7 477 209 43.8 70.6
5. Jimmy Phillips PG Washington State 87-90 123 3717 1782 314 319 3 111 1257 590 46.9 732 322 44.0 73.3
6. Mike Barnhart SF Washington State 184-187 120 3534 1780 398 336 7 126 1284 595 46.3 735 293 39.9 80.3
7. Christopher Siegrist PG Washington State 168-171 118 3501 1765 184 365 2 148 1324 571 43.1 912 372 40.8 82.6
8. William Corso SF Washington State 57-60 125 3166 1692 558 173 81 104 1162 631 54.3 3 0 0.0 69.5
9. Carl Mims SG Washington State 155-158 121 3475 1676 332 286 2 122 1267 576 45.5 590 239 40.5 68.0
10. Emanuel Lund PG Washington State 166-169 116 3171 1631 169 315 2 107 1275 552 43.3 850 332 39.1 65.2
11. Gary Taylor PG Washington State 50-53 129 3339 1625 315 372 10 189 1043 516 49.5 523 215 41.1 80.4
12. Chance Edenfield SG Washington State 96-99 124 3361 1544 413 296 7 132 1108 537 48.5 289 96 33.2 78.7
13. John Huffman PG Washington State 110-114 113 2814 1532 231 326 2 123 1097 534 48.7 4 1 25.0 73.0
14. Herbert Keller PG Washington State 115-118 115 3112 1522 199 347 5 138 1077 487 45.2 476 194 40.8 73.6
15. Robert Plunkett SG Washington State 75-77 93 2674 1521 270 275 6 110 1045 518 49.6 462 196 42.4 77.5
16. Justin Dennis SF Washington State 51-55 132 3079 1485 648 208 97 110 998 521 52.2 340 140 41.2 76.9
17. Jimmie Duncan SG Washington State 133-136 119 3220 1455 370 323 13 112 1067 484 45.4 566 229 40.5 77.5
18. Johnnie Letcher SG Washington State 57-60 117 3058 1445 410 257 19 113 981 453 46.2 511 206 40.3 83.3
19. Jo-Long Huang PG Washington State 56-59 126 3348 1442 406 451 3 137 1000 468 46.8 320 121 37.8 77.5
20. Dennis Dahlke SG Washington State 6-9 115 3604 1431 405 401 16 119 1063 473 44.5 603 222 36.8 72.5
21. Frank Barrett PG Washington State 90-93 130 2963 1428 293 480 5 118 974 467 47.9 639 283 44.3 76.2
22. Robert Knowles SG Washington State 117-120 122 2897 1426 319 326 5 119 1025 472 46.0 564 241 42.7 68.9
23. Leland McDougal PG Washington State 22-26 113 2764 1406 290 337 12 150 1088 508 46.7 503 201 40.0 59.1
24. Jeffery Ronk PF Washington State 182-185 118 3439 1397 666 183 93 114 999 532 53.3 6 0 0.0 66.1
25. Lester Steppe PG Washington State 176-179 114 3118 1382 148 335 1 118 1074 468 43.6 737 291 39.5 69.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%