Record: 4-6 Conference: CAA Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D- RPI: 155 SOS: 74
Division I - Richmond, VA
Homecourt: C
Home: 2-4 Away: 2-2
AVG 579
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. John Bender SF VCU 31-34 114 2293 1907 246 122 41 89 1482 611 41.2 846 325 38.4 76.6
2. Willie Oswalt SG VCU 33-36 116 2091 1902 105 86 14 60 1645 643 39.1 1119 401 35.8 62.3
3. Henry Newland SG VCU 160-163 115 3170 1880 322 219 4 112 1450 621 42.8 1220 508 41.6 69.5
4. Thomas Freeman SG VCU 32-35 111 1884 1790 200 111 12 65 1368 612 44.7 758 308 40.6 63.4
5. James Hutchison PG VCU 120-123 117 2757 1750 149 320 7 173 1364 597 43.8 609 222 36.5 69.9
6. Christopher Newton PG VCU 118-121 116 2359 1691 151 314 3 156 1251 541 43.2 1089 443 40.7 68.3
7. Jeremy Partridge PG VCU 165-168 112 3295 1663 292 302 2 124 1246 539 43.3 692 262 37.9 74.9
8. Stevan Zeinert SF VCU 143-146 119 3599 1605 655 156 57 114 1245 618 49.6 16 1 6.3 59.9
9. Timothy Bryant SG VCU 170-173 113 2983 1590 240 337 3 133 1147 521 45.4 801 337 42.1 76.7
10. Jarvis Armstrong PG VCU 165-168 112 3299 1584 195 566 2 130 1019 520 51.0 11 0 0.0 79.9
11. Nicholas Steinbeck PG VCU 174-177 110 3359 1573 224 407 3 121 1360 539 39.6 751 245 32.6 69.6
12. Mark Banks SG VCU 146-149 118 3135 1552 189 250 0 111 1118 497 44.5 928 387 41.7 77.7
13. Ronnie Lathrop PF VCU 211-214 108 2823 1532 719 87 61 94 1263 581 46.0 4 0 0.0 61.2
14. Vladimir Zosel C VCU 56-59 114 3127 1480 979 52 193 115 1093 551 50.4 5 1 20.0 64.2
15. Devin Harvill SF VCU 65-68 112 3453 1463 446 148 35 82 1209 521 43.1 489 172 35.2 68.2
16. James Franklin SG VCU 101-104 117 1936 1429 225 208 2 122 955 471 49.3 714 338 47.3 66.8
17. Stephen Woodring SG VCU 96-99 117 2004 1427 299 248 27 140 962 457 47.5 722 325 45.0 80.0
18. Todd Newborn PG VCU 141-144 118 2761 1401 164 280 1 89 999 468 46.8 697 308 44.2 68.3
19. Carl Cowans PG VCU 94-97 118 2452 1400 238 435 4 233 900 469 52.1 4 1 25.0 69.1
20. Ronald Jenkins PF VCU 3-6 114 2797 1386 788 41 73 60 1063 523 49.2 36 10 27.8 69.3
21. Joseph Pinkney SG VCU 106-109 119 2343 1384 256 308 2 152 926 468 50.5 462 203 43.9 77.0
22. David McChristian SF VCU 26-30 113 2984 1344 457 170 33 94 1069 457 42.8 612 214 35.0 88.2
23. Jesse Overby PG VCU 86-89 111 2939 1342 137 294 1 142 1020 410 40.2 779 289 37.1 87.3
24. Gary Lamoreaux PG VCU 208-211 109 2482 1315 171 229 1 106 1049 460 43.9 424 153 36.1 66.7
25. Robert Hays PF VCU 168-171 114 3010 1312 648 86 89 87 889 486 54.7 3 0 0.0 78.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%